Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Website Traffic Generation - 3 Things To Watch Out For

When it comes to setting up websites online, it has never been quite so easy to get lost in the shuffle. People on the Internet today are just as bad as drivers are sometimes, in that they are impatient with the process of getting traffic. When it comes to visiting a new site, the search engines make it really hard to get noticed, and you have to deal with them or else you will not get any major traffic to your website. Sure, you could pay several hundreds of dollars a month and get mediocre results on click through, or you could watch out for some special website traffic generation tricks of the trade.

The first thing to look for software that promises to deliver real visitors to your blog or website. There are a few options like this online, and they all prove to be adequate in many ways in regards to boosting the numbers. Find software that works on your operating system and utilizes only white hat and clean coding to generate the traffic. Do not fall prey to the sites that promise to deliver a lot of traffic than disappear when you really need them.

The second thing you'll need to watch out for in regards to gaining more visitors is duplicate content and spam. You'll find that there are a lot of spammers and duplicate content scrapers online. Simply search for a line you've written or a title of your post online, and you'll most likely get more than you bargained for. If you do some quick detective work and find that there are websites stealing your content or spamming the search engines with your name, make sure you contact the search engines and explain what is going on. Most often, companies can shut down websites that have copyrighted content on them. Be vigilant and watch out for the changes, they come by fast.

Another way to gain serious traffic is to make friends with other websites in your niche and have them post a link from their website to yours. Try to get a one-way link if possible and you'll soon be rated higher in search engines. This strategy takes some time, but the more backlinks you receive the higher you will be listed in any given search engine, no matter what you're trying to find.

The above website traffic generation tips are just quick things to look out for. Most often, people forget just how big the web is and how it can be complicated to go from 0 to thousands of visitors in a short span of time. By adjusting a few plans and working within the infrastructure that the search engines have been pushing, anyone can turn a hobby website or blog into a money making venture. Even in these hard times, people can make serious financial moves by sending targeted traffic to a website that has ad networks running on them. Even if you don't sell anything, you could earn a passive income on the web by simply positioning yourself to make gain higher rankings in the search world.

Are you looking for more information regarding Traffic Generation? Visit today!

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Data Entry Jobs Description: What You Need To Know!

Knowing about data entry jobs description is important if you want to start earning money from this field. Online jobs are becoming more prevalent in today's modern, computer savvy world. Not only do work-from-home moms benefit from the availability of the Internet as the new workplace, students and young professionals are becoming more and more attracted to the prospects of earning cash online.

One of the main reasons for these changes is the fact that you can always draw extra income from tasks that you never thought can become a profession; one of which is a data entry job. With seemingly simple requirements and virtually no formal credentials needed, you will definitely benefit from knowing more about data entry jobs description.

Types Of Data Entry Jobs

1. Typists

Typists are tasked to enter details into word processors. As such, a keyboard and word processing application are two of a typist's best friends. With these, you can create documents that are being used for mailing labels, reports, presentations, and other text-based tasks. As a typist, you will be responsible for making sure that documents have the right font, margin, and other formatting details as well as grammatical correctness. Therefore, having good English skills is essential to this job.

2. Data Entry Keyers

Quite similar to typists' job, as a data entry keyer you are required to enter data into computer software programs. Accuracy is priority to this job because businesses rely on the information to make important decisions everyday. Some data entry keyers are even closely supervised to ensure that accurate results are being delivered, but, for online work, double-checking your output is really important. Here, a quick eye and a certain level of meticulousness will bring you a long way.

3. Transcriptionists

As a transcriptionist, you will be required to listen to recordings that you will have to transform into written form. In fact, job descriptions for transcriptionists often include the requirement of a headset and good speakers for a flawless transcribing job. Many medical institutions like hospitals employ transcriptionists to have recordings transcribed for doctors and other health professionals.

With such an important role in technical fields, a transcriptionist needs to have great listening skills in order to make out the words being said and the conversations being exchanged in the recordings. In addition to this, it surely is to your advantage if you can type fast. 40 to 50 words per minute (wpm) are the average speed these days. However, it is submitted that as a transcriptionist having 60 wpm and above will benefit not only the accuracy of the transcription, but the speed of delivery as well.

Data entry jobs are indeed a new breed of professionals in today's modern world, but these are jobs that require the same old skills that most, if not all, professions need-a passion for assisting and a keen heart to learn. Whether you are a student or a freelancer, knowing about the latest on online data entry jobs will help you figure out your options and to choose the one that suits you.

If you are looking for a certified, legitimate, ethical and guaranteed way to earn an income working from home, using nothing but a computer or laptop, click here.

For free training, free education, and free income generating tools, visit today.

View the original article here

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Art of Social Engineering

Social Engineering is simply getting people to give up information. It can be something as simple as smiling at someone, or creating a false event to get people to voluntarily give up whatever the perpetrator is seeking. I'll start off by talking about who uses social engineering in the technology world. The best part, or worst part of social engineering, depending on the side that you are on, is that most people think hackers are the only ones who use this technique. Sure, hackers use it, but there are people who do it for financial gain. Let's say I am approached by someone who works for a technology company seeking information on a competitors' next "big thing". I tell them that I will help them by posing as a painter and offer my services to paint the employee lounge. People are usually relaxed while on break or lunch, so I'm sure they'll talk about all kinds of things. Before I start my job, I do my homework, just so I can find something in common to talk about. As I'm painting, I begin to listen to some conversations and find out that a new project is being developed and should begin the test phase in a few weeks. I add my two cents to the conversation to find out more. At the end of the day I report to the people who hired me, give them the information they wanted, take my money, and leave. It can happen that easy. So who can become a victim of a social engineering attack? Almost anyone, especially if the person works in a position where being friendly is a requirement.

Take another example of the receptionist. Let's say a guy is trying to gain access to a companies' network and is having a hard time getting inside. He poses as a delivery person and delivers a package to the company he seeks information from. As he stands at the receptionist desk, he notices that she is having a rough day and decides to smile and tell her how pretty she looks today. Now what woman wouldn't like that? Now that he's broken the ice, he decides to start asking questions about the computer she is using, such as "what operating system are you using?", or "who is your technical support guy?". The answers to those questions can help the delivery person gain access to the company network.

Another common form of social engineering is shoulder surfing. Shoulder surfing is when someone walks past a computer and glances at the screen to see what is on it. It's a common way to obtain passwords, PIN's, and other information. This form of social engineering is very effective in crowded places, mainly because nobody is paying attention to what you are doing. Watching someone dial a phone number at a public phone, punch a keypad for a rented locker in an airport, or any other activity done in public are all possibilities of obtaining information. Even looking at license plate numbers can be considered social engineering. I'm not saying you need to be paranoid and always looking over your shoulder. I'm simply saying that the opportunity for someone to get information from you is always there.

Most social engineers are pretty slick with their charms and language. If they have good looks, they will use that too. If they feel that a person may be willing to give up some information, they will continue with the conversation. If not, they will end it quickly and try another day.

A list of some common ways social engineering is used is below. It is not a complete list of course, just some common ways.

TelephonePhishing ScamsTail GatingSocial Networking SitesRoleplayShoulder Surfing

The rule of thumb is pretty simple, but not as easy to follow. Never give out information that someone doesn't need. Why would a delivery person need to know what kind of operating system you are using? The answer is simple: they don't! When someone starts asking questions about personnel or company information, politely tell them you are not allowed to provide the information. You would not be rude by doing this. You would just be following company policy.

View the original article here

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Essential Facts About Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the vital components of search engine optimization if you want to produce supplementary traffic for your website. It is like selling your articles to major search engines. The proper optimization of these articles will also help determine free traffic and ranking factors for the site. SEO experts say an article marketing campaign will be effective only if users actually read the post as well as make the search engines crawl and index these posts. Follow the tips given by renowned optimization specialists in marketing articles effectively.
Focus on the proper use of keywords or keyword phrases. This keyword will be utilized in your Meta description and tag; title; first paragraph of the article; and, headings. Keywords should flow naturally in the article. Do not put these in if the sentence will look awkward. Refrain from stuffing your content with keywords and follow the rules in keyword density.

Internal links are important. Search engines like Google prefer more pages linking back to your content. In short, your article should help users navigate the site and obtain useful information. However, stay away from the so-called random-linking. This is the act of linking to sites which are not in any way related to your content. This gives the impression that you might be selling links in your article.
You will have better opportunities of going into the top of results page if more people read your content in Google. Remember that this primary search engine is emerging as one of the major social networks with regards to article marketing concerns.
Search engines and web visitors appreciate images. The only difference is these search engines do not perceive pictures but the manner by which these images are optimized through the title and alt tags. There are basic formatting guidelines that you can learn easily. Actually, people fancy images or video footages with articles. Using these techniques allow you to grab the attention of more visitors to your site.
Spun or duplicate content is not acceptable to search engines. Google Panda has a way of finding out if article will be reused by simply changing the positions of paragraphs and substituting certain words with synonyms. Make it a point to use unique content at all times. Copying the articles of others is also not allowed.
Stick to your topic. This ensures the relevance of your site to the selected topic. Search engines should not get the impression that you are trying to market blog posts through your website.
A forceful call to action is something that your article should contain. It should introduce more benefits once potential readers click on the link. You have to optimize the article as soon as you are finished with writing. The next step is syndication and submission to different article directories for maximum exposure. You can look forward to generating substantial readership if you are able to comply with the guidelines in "SEO" optimization and article marketing.
If you are looking for the top SEO company in Australia, click here to find more information. Or visit their website to know more about their services.

View the original article here

Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing Tactics

I've been successfully participating in affiliate marketing for over 5 years now. The one thing that makes me so grateful is that I can create an income stream whenever I feel like it. This is the ultimate feeling. So how do you succeed with promoting affiliate products? Well, it's not that hard at all.

You see, the real secret to making money with affiliate programs is to know who your target market REALLY is. What is it that people want to learn about? How can you help them learn it? Once you know the answers to these questions, it's much easier to attract the right people to your business. You'll be able to write articles and create content that is targeted towards these people's needs.

Here's my method for successful affiliate marketing:

Create an email marketing campaign. This is where you can follow-up with your prospects. The only way to make money online is if people purchase your products. A successful transaction must take place. The fact is that most people will need to see something at least seven times before they make a decision. The decision might be to purchase your products. If not, that's alright too. The important thing to remember is that you want them to make a decision. That way you know who your customers are.

An easy way to create an email marketing campaign is to write down ten benefits of the product you are promoting. Then, write a short 250 word email for each benefit. That's it! You now have ten follow-up emails that will promote your affiliate products for you.

Start getting people to visit my lead capture page. Use article marketing, video marketing, e-zine advertising and any other form of traffic generation that works well. I don't recommend doing anything to earn credits for traffic. That stuff is just useless. Stay with the techniques that real companies use to advertise their products and services. Banner advertising is another great source of traffic.

Promote products on the back-end. Once you have lots of people going through your email follow-up series, you'll start to earn commissions on any of the products being promoted. Be sure to always look for ways to monetize your email list so that you have more money to invest back into your affiliate business.

Stick with the fundamentals. As long as you are sticking with the fundamental marketing techniques, you will succeed. It's only a matter of time.

By the way, do you want access to a complete follow-up sales funnel that generates 100's of leads to your business every day, and generates $3,480 in sales per day?

If so, I suggest that you get your FREE 7 day money making boot-camp and get the exact system I personally use to generate $15,000 and more per month online by clicking here.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 7 Keys to an Awesome Brand

Today, branding isn't optional. You are a 24/7 walking, talking billboard. Every day, in everything you do - how you interact, how you dress, what your website looks like, how you speak - you tell the world about yourself.

People are buying only one thing from you - the way the engagement (hiring you, working with you, learning from you, using your product or service, etc.) makes them FEEL. And the only way to be considered awesome is to earn a piece of valuable real estate in your potential clients' hearts and minds.

We are inundated on a daily basis with more information that our brains can possibly handle. In order to stand out and be memorable, you've got to make an emotional connection, using your passion, personality and personal story.

Here are the seven keys that will move you from just alright, to downright awesome:

CLARITY: You've got to get crystal clear about your WHO, WHAT, WHY and HOW. If you aren't clear about who you are, who is your target market, what you offer and the value you provide, how can you expect your ideal client to be clear about you, and most importantly, buy from you?

CONFIDENCE: In every moment and in every interaction you are teaching others how to treat you and how to interact with you, and whether they should view you as a leader or a follower. If you make a conscious choice to be at the top, then ultimately, that's what you're going to get. Embrace who you are, what you stand for and why you do what you do. Step into your power and clients will seek you out. Give us your Awesome.

CONVERSATION: Effective communication is not a one way street - it's a conversation, a back and forth, a natural flow. What works now is engagement, not the megaphone approach. The conversational depth of so many professionals today is one-dimensional. All they can talk about with any degree of complexity is what they do for a living. Bo-ring! Engage, ask questions, give examples, tell stories, show genuine interest and ignite a relationship.

CONTENT: One of the best ways, hands down, to position yourself as an authority is to create and repurpose great content that your target audience finds valuable. Notice that I didn't write what YOU find valuable. Remember, it's not about you. You have to create content that your potential clients actually want to consume and consider valuable. When you consistently create and distribute valuable content, you create a perception of value in the eyes of your target market.

CONNECTION: In the online marketplace, it can be easy to get trapped behind a monitor and keyboard. You have to remember that business is about people, not numbers. It's about relationships, not computers. In our rapidly evolving business environment, the entrepreneurs who are going to thrive are the ones who engage their clients and build long-term relationships. So get out there and develop your cheerleading squad, refer business to others, join a group and create joint venture partnerships.

CARE: An Awesome Brand cares about its tribe. How much are you showing you care about your clients and potential clients? Most brands have only one intention: to sell their product or service. This puts you at a HUGE advantage if you spend some time showing your community how much you care. As we all know, great customer service is rare. Simply by offering excellent service and consistently showing how much you care puts you ahead of the pack - it makes you awesome.

CONSISTENCY: Does what you say, post, tweet etc. align with your brand? Is what comes out of your mouth consistent with how you dress, how you interact with others and what's on your website? Branding should be a part of your DNA. Everything you do - every phone call, meeting, blog post, social engagement and personal interaction - is a unique representation of YOU. Awesome Brands know exactly who they are and present themselves consistently across all platforms.

The foundation of an Awesome Brand is built on these seven C's. You are unique. You do have something important to offer. And whether you help ten or ten thousand people, being an Awesome Brand allows you to MOVE people in a much more compelling way.

©2012 Liz Dennery Sanders

Liz Dennery Sanders is the CEO of Dennery Marks Inc., a nationally acclaimed brand strategy and celebrity outreach firm, and SheBrand, a company dedicated to empowering other female entrepreneurs and small business owners to build their buzz and create powerful personal brands that attract more clients. For a FREE report, "101 Ways To Build A Powerful Personal Brand and Attract More Clients" visit

View the original article here

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Legitimate Online Writing Jobs for Work at Home Dads

Online Writing Backgrounder for Dads

Online writing, or content writing, has become one of the popular work at home jobs in recent years. As the world of Internet media continues to expand and grow, online writing jobs have never been this significant, especially when search engine optimization or SEO companies make use of content writing as one of its primary tools to optimize websites in many of the top search engines in the industry.

Although freelance writing is not new, in the online community, online writing jobs have essentially provided fresh opportunities for many writers to earn extra income. And for many writing enthusiasts, online content writing has given them a way to turn their passion for writing into a profitable fulltime job. But unlike conventional work where employees rely on the employer for regular weekly or monthly paychecks, an online freelance writer has to consistently look for other online writing jobs in order to earn serious money that they could actually live on.

When it comes to online writing, the first thing you need to understand is that nothing is permanent. Not the tasks or the topics that you will be writing about, not even your employer. This is why you will have to constantly look for new projects or new job opportunities. Some people will require your services on a one time basis, while others may need you for longer periods. But one thing is for certain, don't expect company Christmas parties or regular year-end bonuses.

Now, how do you find legitimate online content writing jobs? How do you know if the job offer is legitimate? First off, you will need to present yourself as a reasonable content writing professional. You can post your resume in your social media account, job market websites, and other community sites that you are involved with. If you have a blog site, you can post your credentials or portfolio there, as well. This way, you are essentially inviting legitimate individuals and companies that need the kind of services and expertise you have to offer.

Keep in mind that online writing jobs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, literally.

There are online job offers that involve content writing for SEO purposes, article writing for online magazines, and blog writing. Furthermore, the topics and writing techniques may vary as well. Your employer may ask you to write a three hundred word article about teeth whitening products or pet grooming services. From roof shingles and bamboo flooring to the newest iPhone model, there is virtually no shortage of topics that you will be given the opportunity to write about.

As far as the benefits of online writing goes, there are practically more than a handful, depending on your skills, writing style and technique. In fact, many seasoned online writers are able to work for various companies at one time with varying topics, giving them the chance to earn more. And since research is needed when writing articles, especially with topics that are relatively new to the writer, this job also gives you the opportunity to learn new things, which in my point of view, is a huge benefit.

So no matter what background you are from, if you are a work at home dad who is comfortable and passionate about writing, the many online writing jobs available out there may just provide you with the perfect opportunity to earn a sustainable source of income. All you need is a computer, a decent Internet connection, and the zest, determination, and know-how to find a legitimate online writing job offer.

For all your online writing needs, visit us at We'll help you jumpstart your online writing career!

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unique Ideas for Starting Online Business

Ideas rule the world! When thinking of starting an online business; you need to source for ideas. There's a lot you can do online. Many people are actually making it on the internet. You can join the bandwagon by discovering the right steps to take. Discussed below are possible ideas you can engage when starting your online business venture.

• Sell a Product
You can start your online business by selling a product. Millions of internet users buy all kinds of products online. You can come up with a unique product and also market it online. It's important you start with a single product. As time goes on, you can then introduce more products. You can sell virtually anything on the internet. All you need is to think about what to sell. Once you've come up with an idea, you have to create a platform to market it. The best approach to take is to build a simple website for the product. You'll also create a payment solution for your customers when you have the trading platform set.

• Sell a Service
You can make it online by selling a nice service. There are hundreds of ideas to explore when thinking of the right service to sell. You need to start with a service you can easily render. You can sell web design services, web hosting, computer repairs and lots of other services. There's no limit to the kind of service you can render online. All you need is to create an enabling platform to market the service. You need a good website to let people know about the service. You have to make sure you're well grounded on the service before you can trade it successfully online.

• Trade Your Talent
When thinking of starting online business; your talent is more than enough. You can make huge money online by trading your talent. If you're good at writing academic papers, articles and product reviews, you can use such talents to make enough money online. In fact, you can virtually trade any talent you have. All you need is to locate an enabling platform to market the talent. There are several freelance websites that can give you enough room to trade your talent. You can easily join them freely. In most cases, you're likely to meet with employers that need your talent when you join a good freelance website. You can also create a simple blog or website and use it to market your talent.

• Sell other peoples' products
You can still start your online business by selling other people's products. This form of business is technically known as "Affiliate Marketing". There are thousands of affiliate programs online. Several companies are always looking for individuals that can promote their products. You can easily sign up for the best affiliate programs and still make huge cash returns from that. In most cases, you'll be given affiliate links through which you can promote the products. Each time a transaction is concluded through the links, you simply get paid.

In all, there are thousands of ideas you can explore when starting online business. The ball is always on your court. You can start today and still make it in the online market place.

You can learn more about starting an online business. Just click this link

View the original article here

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Services You Can Offer to Make Money Online

While several people want to make money online, they are unaware of how to do so. The procedure, however, is very simple. You can make money simply by resorting to activities like writing! In fact, writing is one of the very few money-making ways that do not require any investment. In fact, you do not even need to seek help from books or instruction manuals. All you need to do is to know how to write and you can make a sufficient amount of money by article writing, proofreading and blogging. There are several job opportunities relating to these fields, since several people need writers for their blogs. This is because they need to promote their products and services using blogging and article marketing strategies.

You must not, however, start on any kind of job simply because it pays well. You need to analyse your skills thoroughly and to determine whether you can complete a certain job. If you can not write, for example, you can always go for other options like data entry. There are several websites that require live data entry work. This does not require proficiency in writing skills. If you have some free time on your hands, therefore, you can resort to such simple and easy jobs.

Similarly, if you feel that you are a tech-savvy person who can handle technical tasks like designing websites, you can become a freelance designer. In fact, there are several employers out there who are ready to pay a handsome salary to creative designers. Also, if you are interested in the latest trends and technology, you can find websites that offer such services. Here, you can offer several services.These may include anything from article marketing to live customer support.

Yet another service you can offer is Search Engine Optimization. The aim of all online businesses is to rank high on popular search engines. Due to this, the demand for SEO experts is at its peak. If you know how to handle SEO, you can become an individual expert or join an SEO company. Both of the options have the potential to provide great financial returns!

A great advantage of providing such services is that they fall under the category of self-employment. This means that you do not need to invest any money. In fact, all you need is to be equipped with a personal computer, an internet connection and a strong will to work hard. You must, however, make sure that you choose a job that suits your caliber perfectly. This will allow you to exploit your skills to a great extent. Also, you must make sure that you find jobs through authentic platforms and get in touch with people who genuinely need your services.

If you are looking for more ways to make money online, you can visit 100 Grand No Selling. It is a website dedicated to providing ideas regarding the best ways to make money online.

View the original article here

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Importance of Article Writing in Promoting Your Website

The traditional ways of promoting your website is obviously not working anymore. Remember those days when you waste your time submitting your website link to directories just hoping to have it indexed by the directories' spider robots and wished your website to listed to the top? What about those times when you waste endless hours posting 2-3 sentences to numerous classified ads only to realize the ads get deleted in the next day for violating spam policy. Many hours are waste for those traditional means of promoting your website while seeing little or no result at all. Well those days are over because online users are becoming more particular, investigative, more careful and needs to more information before you can encourage them to visit your website.

The way you can relay to the online community your value or your product and services is writing it up. You promote while not acting like promoting. This means you give out something first before online users get interested and get back to you. You cannot explain your thoughts or the importance of your website or your products and services if you don't explain why people need you. One can write up an article in 350 words and above like a little summary of related information that people can learn from. You can then add a phrase encouraging them to get more information if they click your website link. When you can catch your reader's interest through the information you write in the articles, they would click your link.

The reason why article writing is an effective online marketing is because they eventually become quality leads to your product and services. When they read your article, they will click the site you're recommending and they instantly turn to be your prospect customers. They spent few minutes reading your article and they will definitely spend more minutes to your website because of their hunger of knowledge. The more article you write, the more wide audiences you can reach.

People ask though, how do you reach audience through articles. This is a pretty normal question and best answer is to submit your articles to high traffic article directories like You can add up your list of quality article directory by searching in Google, only use those on the top pages of Google search. That shows the overall performance of the article directory and if they are on top of the search engine it means the volume of traffic is high. You can make use of their website traffic and reach many people from various walks of life by being a member to start submitting your written articles.

You can also make money with your articles while promoting your website link. You can join those get paid to write article websites that compensates their writers through revenue sharing. You can submit your article with your website link at the body of your article and earn dollars from revenue sharing as well. So it's like hitting two birds at the same time.

One thing you must bear in mind though when you use article writing as a mean of promoting your website, you need to be consistent in writing. Set up few hours for writing articles in a day and it doesn't have to be painful to churn out your idea into writing. You simply write your ideas first then you can edit later or you can ask someone to copyreader for you. Choose interesting titles or keywords then focus on writing on it. You can submit one time after you have written articles.

The next time you would start a website or a blog, remember to use article writing as the best free mean to drive traffic and promote your website.

If you want to earn writing articles, search free and legitimate websites here:

Grace Manotoc is a professional Procurement Engineer and a successful entrepreneur both online and offline since 2006. She also succeeded in giving free information to people who want to earn online. Check out some of her free information here:

View the original article here

Friday, November 23, 2012

What Online Paid Surveys Actually Work?

There are many types of online paid surveys that people can participate in. If you want to gain the best benefits from these opportunities, it will be necessary to clearly define your goals. This will help you to determine which offers are best-suited to your interests.

Many companies compensate participants, but not in cash. Instead, those who complete questionnaires are awarded points that they can apply to their online purchases or trade for specific goods. Although it can be a lot of fun to take part in these processes, the resulting benefits really do not help people to pay their bills or to increase their regular income.

It is important to understand that no company will ever offer money for information that it does not need, data that is not valid or details that do not help them to reach a desired end. Due to this fact, most companies that will offer you cash for your efforts will also require you to undergo a comprehensive screening process before you get started.

This manner of screening helps these entities to determine whether or not you fit into one of the targeted consumer demographics. They will ask you questions about your normal shopping habits including where you go to buy your household necessities and how much you spend for these things. You will not usually be compensated for any initial questionnaire of this type, however, completing these applications could open the door to a number of high-paying opportunities.

It helps to maintain a very realistic mindset when you are pursuing these offers. If companies are not careful to screen you or to identify your consumer demographic, they are often looking to solicit your personal details rather than your consumer opinions. They will then sell these to other parties who will contact you with their promotional offers. The value that you provide is no longer in the consumer information that you supply, but in the personal contact information that you give away. Although there is some money to be earned in this fashion, it can also result in a lot of annoying sales calls, spam mails and other efforts to contact you that significantly diminish the value of the offered compensation.

People do best in their efforts to find online paid surveys when they look for community forums, work-at-home blogs and other online posting mediums that supply information on these types of income opportunities. They can use the feedback that has been supplied by others to avoid scams and to find legitimate operations that actually pay participants for the information that is offered. It is additionally important for prospective survey takers to carefully read through any user agreements that are provided before they decide whether or not to participate in a program. This will help these individuals to develop fair expectations concerning the related processes and the resulting payments.

Get paid from the thousands of companies who give money to people everyday for taking paid surveys online. provides safe and reliable ways to earn money doing online surveys. Visit us today!

View the original article here

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Internet Online Business

Internet Online Business: How to Start

The internet online marketing advertising business is become more popular because there are now thousands of online companies and business owners seeking to increase their customer base and overall sales revenue. You can grab huge market shares by assisting these groups in seeking out the best customers for their business. Launching the business will require some research and determination. Here are the initial key steps.

1. The Preparation Process

First, take time to visualize your internet online marketing advertising business. Which markets are you most interested in? What skills and creative talents can you offer? What advertising tools and mediums will you best work with? Create your business plan based on your visualization. Write down the pros, cons, opportunities and challenges to the business as well as the solutions to the problems. Also make a brief background about yourself and why you chose this particular business over other models. Next, set your budget. It is wiser to spend minimally at the start by using free online tools and downloadable materials. Visit a number of online discussion forums and blogs to see how other advertisers have successfully built their company. Be prepared in using different methods and mediums to advertise companies like speaking in public, blogging, designing attractive logos and advertisements, etc.

2. Be in the right place.

This means that you have to be visible to potential customers who will avail your services. You can begin by writing blogs and articles that attract customers and other websites. If you do an excellent job, companies will most likely avail of your services to help boost the reputation of their business as well as introduce new offerings and products to potential clients. Make use of free social networking sites, blog sites, online discussion boards, online marketplaces and other internet places where you can quickly build your reputation as an online advertiser. Expertly answer questions and queries in online places and make sure you register your account and include a signature so that people know what your business is all about and how they can keep in touch for services.

3. Offering your services.

It's a great idea to keep getting better in your online skills. As a person in internet online marketing advertising business, you have to stay ahead of the competition by offering a well-rounded package. It will greatly help to have some skills in technical writing, website design and development, graphic design and online research. Show samples of your previous works to potential customers. If you find some areas difficult, you can hire freelance workers or contractors to do these for you. Also stay updated with recent market developments and trends. Find out the latest and most sought after types of online advertisements.

Malvina Mancini is an Online Marketer specializing in Lead and Cash Flow Generation for other serious Online Marketers.

If you are looking for a simple, proven and predicable online income generating system, Click Here:

We have extensive training & resources especially for Internet "newbies," and we've taught people of every age and background how to bring customers to their Gateway Website and make money on the Web...

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How to Advertise Small Business and Attract New Potential Clients

In the case of relatively large number of small businesses, seasonal character of a product, or services offered, provides a sufficient reason for these entrepreneurs to undergo a relatively slower winter period. With online marketing trends continuing to relentlessly gain momentum, practically on a daily base, the fragile world of small business marketing is forced to bring about momentous changes. This leaves many small businesses aghast; desperately pondering whatever scant possibilities they may have of finding new means to reach potential customers. If, as small business owner, you too find yourself sailing in the same boat - experiencing similar difficulties with regard to being unable to expose yourself to new customers - you will certainly find these suggestions beneficial.

A major widespread downfall for several small businesses today may be overemphasis of wrong marketing strategies. In short, they continue to pour valuable time and scant financial resources into advertising efforts which are poorly suited to their particular business setup. Hence, when you initiate the advertisement campaign to attract new potential clients for your small business, it is equally essential to ensure that a specific audience targeted by you is also paying sufficient attention to the sort of advertising methods chosen by you. This should, in your own opinion as well, represent the most suitable way to effectively spread the right word regarding your product or service. For instance, if your target customers largely comprise elderly folk, who may not customarily make as much use of Internet services as a younger group is more likely to, social media or online marketing should certainly not be a significant part of your bulk marketing plan. Here, it is pertinent to divert your energies and time towards more conventional advertising mediums like billboards or TV and radio ads.

Sometimes your advertising strategy may completely fail to understand the target audience. So, other than failing to recognize the most suitable marketing medium for reaching new clients, you will have the problem of failing to understand the trends and behavior pattern of your audience. Advertising your small business to get new clients necessitates proper marketing efforts that are attuned to tap into your client's mindset, meaning: what they normally do and what places they regularly visit for their leisure activities? You must learn about methods commonly used by other businesses to obtain information about new products and services. What time of day/night is best to show them your ads?

To obtain better results, you will specially need to ensure that all these questions are adequately addressed by your advertising campaign.

Next ask yourself if you are making correct use of social media. Though you may have lately started the use of social media for your small business, you should hardly expect to see positive results unless you really know how it is best used to your own advantage. Being logged in and posting some fancy photos or blogs is not the idea. This media is known as 'social' for good reason: it is specially designed for engaging new clients as well as maintaining responsive relations with your current clients. Above all, it serves to give your small business its voice.

Please visit for more life rewarding articles.

CFA is committed to helping people become Conditioned for Accomplishments. A professional blogger, speaker, coach, business and digital media consultant, who focuses on helping individuals and small businesses leverage technology (internet) for increased profit and brand perception, is here to help. To find out how it's done, please visit

View the original article here

Monday, November 19, 2012

This Is Easily the Best Way to Make Money Online

The best way to make money online should have the following characteristics.

1 It should be cheap enough for most people to afford.

2 Easy enough for most people to learn

3 Profitable enough to be worth your time.

The clear winner when judged against those three requirements is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a money making concept where some one sells the product of an established business or company and gets paid a commission on the sale.

This is a very simple money making concept. And a lot of people find it very attractive.

The reason it's so attractive is because it requires little or no start up capital and can yield huge profits.

The only requirement is a will and ability to sell.

So if you don't have much money and you need a way to make money effectively, this is a great option to consider.

There is no other money making opportunity like it. Combining low running costs and a high margin for profitability.

The key to succeeding with affiliate marketing is to choose an affiliate marketing program with winning products.

This makes all the difference in the world.

A winning product is so much easier to sell.

And it would make you money more quickly too.

This is the most important step in choosing the best way to make money online.

How easy and effective your marketing would be is determined by how easily your product sells.

A poor product is hard to sell and can seriously hurt your profits.

A winning product on the other hand can make you look like a great marketer even when you are not one.

So if you are looking for the best way to make money online.

Join an affiliate marketing program with an in demand product.

That would make it very easy for you to succeed.

A note of caution: not all affiliate marketing programs are legitimate. Some are out right scams. In fact some programs have been known to make away with people's earnings. Although affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online, there are people who are bent on corrupting it.

So choosing the right affiliate program is of great importance.

Here are some red flags to look out for.

Promises of unrealistically lavish commissions.

Promises of money with no work.

A request for payment before joining.

Hard to pin down support staff.

Non existent support.

Delay in paying commissions.

Unprofessional looking website

Poorly made products.

The presence of any of these things is a minus and must be taken seriously to ensure you get the best out of your affiliate marketing experience.

This is the best way to make money online.

Zuka Alexson is an online business owner and internet marketer who runs an internet business opportunity where a team of professional internet marketers help market your business for you in order to help you succeed. It is the only online business program of its kind. With the stated aim of making it easy for you to succeed in online business.And more than 1000 people have already proven that it works. To join this internet business opportunity today click here: best way to make money online

View the original article here

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Online Business Opportunities Available

The online industry has come a long way and is now considered one of the most competitive industries so far. It provides a lot of business opportunities for lots of internet experts and marketing savvy. Many of them made it a point to study the ins and outs of doing an online business for years and some of them are now at the top of their career as an online entrepreneur.

Most of the entrepreneurs I have met were very enthusiastic and dedicated when it comes to their businesses. They would always make sure that the products and services they are offering meet the standard of their clients need. For them, the quality of their services is more important than the income they could possibly generate from the client. Unfortunately, this type of business is not suited for everyone. Online business belongs to those people who have the heart to do the job done no matter what the consequences are.

Owning an internet business could generate a good income if done the right way. Many entrepreneurs have tripled their investment after a year of investing in the industry. This is the reason why a lot of online experts and internet savvy would like to be part of the market.

Below are some of the online business opportunities you can check out if you want to become part of the market that gives you a chance to earn unlimited cash flows.

Selling services and products online - do you have any products or services in mind? If your answer is yes then, it is highly recommended to create a website about the services and products that you are offering. You can sell them online. Let the people around you know about the value of the products and services you want to sell by creating a product or service based website. Do not forget to indicate the value of your products on your website and the reason why buyers need to buy your products.

Generate income through advertising space - the same way how tabloid, broadsheet and magazine work, your very own website can sell ad space to potential advertisers who are willing to pay you on a monthly or bi-weekly basis.

Success does not come overnight but when you always keep in mind that the quality of your products and services is far more important than the income you could earn from potential clients, sooner or later success will come your way naturally and you will reap what you have sown.

Looking for Business Opportunities New York City? Then visit our website today and start your own business!

View the original article here

Friday, November 16, 2012

Vital Pages To Include On Your Site

Wondering what pages to include on your website and why? Below is a list of pages which should be considered.

Firstly, you should make a plan of what to include on each page. That way you won't repeat yourself or forget vital information. The most common pages on successful websites include:

1. Home Page (First Page)

This is the first page your customers will generally arrive at, so it is important you include details of what you can do for them. It should also give your visitors a brief overview of what they can find on your site.

2. Products / Services

It is useful to have a separate page for each product/service and write as much detail about each as possible. Start each page with a brief summary of the product/service, then provide whatever information you can. If the page appears too long, you can always break it into more pages. When people are searching for information on the internet, they want to know it NOW. They don't want to wait until tomorrow when they can speak to you on the phone. The more information you can provide about your products/services, the better.

3. Contact Us

Place contact details in as many places as possible. Make it easy for your customers to contact you. Create a special "Contact Us" page, include your details in "About Us" page and also at the bottom of each page. Information to include: business name, physical address, mailing address, telephone, fax, email, emergency number, website address.

4. Pricing

Whenever possible include the price of your products/services. Even if you can't be specific. It is helpful to put at least a range of prices, eg. Carpet cleaning ranges between $40 - $60 per room.

5. Testimonials / Product Reviews / Before & After

Include testimonials from your current customer to show your potential clients that you are trustworthy, reliable and that you offer great service and/or products. Make sure the testimonials are real and if possible provide contact details of the person who supplied you with the testimonial. If you don't have any right now, get them! Simply email your customers and ask for their feedback on your business and service. Most happy customers will gladly provide this. You could also include before and after photos.

Show the problem picture and beside it show the picture of resolution, with an explanation of your product's benefits.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

This has proven to be a great time saver for many companies. Instead of having to answer the same questions over and over again, place them on your website and keep adding to them. The more information you have on your website, the less time you will need to spend answering questions by email or phone.

Frequently Asked Questions should address your customer's concerns that may otherwise be an obstacle to making a sale.

7. Response form such as "Subscribe" or "Enquiry" form

An absolute must if you want to build a mailing list. Most people don't like giving out too much information, so ask only the basics, such as Name and Email Address. Then keep in touch with your customers on a regular basis by sending out information that may be of interest to them. You may even wish to develop your own on-line magazine (ezine). There are many fantastic free or inexpensive programs that can handle this for you. We will discuss these in more detail in future articles.

8. On-line Magazine or Newsletter

This is a great marketing tool. Not only does it help you keep in touch with your customers, but provides your website with fresh content. You can set up your Ezine in 2 different ways:

(a) Email subscribers on a regular basis or

(b) Publish it on your website. Or both. Include information about your business, industry or anything that may be of interest to your customers.

9. Resources/Articles

Add value to your business. Provide information that is complementary to what you do. For example, if you sell wedding dresses include information about reception venues, wedding planners, wedding cakes, flowers. By adding extra information you encourage more hits.

10. About Us

This is a very important page as it tells your customer about who you are and why they should buy your products, services and/or trust your organization. It can also feature your business hours (if you have a bricks and mortar store) or when they can speak to someone live. Many companies also include their mission or purpose on this page, details of their staff (photos, biographies, qualifications), recently completed projects. Other information to include: ACN or ABN, logo, directions to your store/office.

11. Guarantee

Offer a money back guarantee. The longer the guarantee, the more effective it will be. It could be 30 days, 60 days, 1 year or lifetime.

12. Survey

Find out what customers think about your website, business or product.

13. Events Calendar

This can relate to your business or industry. If you are an artist, you can feature dates where and when your art will be displayed or if you are a singer, where you will be performing.

14. Search My Website Feature

Some visitors to your side may not know exactly what they want but if you include a search function on your site, they can look for it very easily. Like search engines, this feature will allow your visitors to type in a word or phrase and then search for it on your site. It's like having your own mini search engines, only instead of it searching the world wide web, it just searches your website.

15. Return/Refund Policy

To make your customers feel more comfortable when making a transaction at your website, you should provide then with your return/refund policy. Ensure it is easy to understand and spelt out step by step.

16. Privacy Policy

Privacy continues to be a major issue for customers shopping online. Concerns about how their information is going to be used is a major barrier when making a sale. Internet shopping experience is built on trust and privacy is the number one ingredient in trust.

17. Site Map

A site map is similar to a contents. It shows visitors how the site is laid out and which sections are where.

18. Copyright Information

Your website should carry a copyright notice to protect its intellectual property. It is generally in the form of "Copyright © 2010, Your Company Name".

19. Links

Here you can place links to the manufacturers of your products, trade associations or complementary services. When you place links to other businesses, you can request they do the same for you. This will not only bring you more visitors, but may improve your search engine ranking

20. Media Information

Include any information, articles, photos of your products, staff etc that have appeared in the media - print, TV, radio or internet.

21. News

This can include news about your products/services or about your industry.

22. On-line store

An on-line store allows you sell products directly on the internet 24 hours a day/7 days a week. When building an online store it is important to take in a number of key concepts.

- Make sure that when visitors arrive at your store the navigational mechanisms are simple and effective- The actual process of placing the order must be simple- Make sure you accept common and convenient methods of payment- Continually test your store so you understand your customer's shopping experience

23. Blog

A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily or weekly using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Blogs are a great tool as they help with:

(a) Communicating with your customers. Blogs provide a way for you to communicate with your customers directly.

And it is a two-way communication. You can post a message on your blog and your visitors can easily respond. Staying in touch with your customers regularly means you can build long-lasting relationships and develop their trust.

(b) Search Engine Marketing

Blogs give you an increased presence on major search engines, like Yahoo! and Google. If you use Blogger (Google's Blogging Tool), every message you post creates a new page on Google so in a very short time you could have a lot of pages pointing to your website, bringing you lots of new visitors.

(c) Stay Ahead of Your Competition

Blogs are still relatively new and chances are your competition does not yet use them. So you will be seen as an expert in your industry when you post your knowledge and expertise.

(d) Media & Public Relations

Blogs are excellent PR tools. You can post your Media Releases and articles and have them picked up by the media.

(e) Free or Low Cost

Many Blogs are free to use. Two such blogs are:

Blogger -

WordPress -

(f) Easy to Use

If you can type and press a "Publish" button, you can use blogging software. The software allows you to follow easy step by step guide and provides great online help.

24. Photo Gallery

Even if you do not wish to sell your products on-line, you may wish to showcase your goods or services in a special photo gallery - show how your products or services are being used by your customers. They say "pictures speak a thousand words" and on your website it is particularly important.

Don't give your customers a reason to visit your competitor's website and provide them with all the information they may possibly need or want.

Ivana Katz makes it easy for you to get your business online very quickly. If you're looking for a professional and affordable website designer, visit and download a free website plan.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reasons For Using PDF Search Engines

Amongst the many things he has done for humanity, Sir Francis Bacon has also coined the term "Scietia potentia est", a Latin aphorism which stands for a phrase most people have already heard: "Knowledge is power". There is a ton of truth to this saying, especially when it comes to business; one must always seek to improve his or her approach to the matter in order to remain successful in an ever-shifting world, and that is done best by learning new systems of thought and techniques.

But where exactly are you supposed to go in order to find that knowledge? After all, chances are that you don't have hours to spend at your local library, nor are you going to find the key to success while simply surfing around using search engines. Well, this is where PDF search engines come into play.

But what advantage is there to using a PDF search engine in comparison to a regular one? And why PDF files anyways? To start things off, when people save something in a PDF files, chances are it's some kind of report, book, or noteworthy (or more importantly, relevant) piece of information that is worth being shared with the rest of the world. In other words, PDF files may very well be one of the greatest sources of knowledge people have access to these days; using PDF search engines one can easily stumble on some kind of short e-book in relation to his or her profession, helping them learn and progress. Many intelligent and noteworthy minds happen to save and share their knowledge and discoveries in the form of PDF documents (especially true for full reports on scientific studies), and there is no better way to access what they have uncovered than PDF search engines.

In addition, PDF files contain a lot of PLR-licensed content, meaning you can easily find something which you can give away as an incentive on your site, or perhaps even transform into your own, personal product. There is no shortage of ways in which you can put what you find in PDF search engines to good use, whether you are simply looking to inform yourself or find a product to sell your visitors. However, now comes the necessary question: how does anyone go about using one?

Some may provide you with files that are somewhat different from what you would usually find, the approach is pretty much the same. However, you better have a good idea of what you are looking for in advance, perhaps a keyword of three to four words. This is due to the fact that in most cases, the PDF documents don't really have descriptions and get sorted by how relevant the title and content is in relation to what you are looking for with your keywords. You are looking for specific files, not websites, and so your search criteria should be precise and concise as well.

PDF search engines have now reached 1.2 million online PDF documents. So how do you find the document you are looking for? With a PDF search engine you can search through millions of online PDF files and find that file you are looking.

View the original article here

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Third Most Important Element of an Online Sales Letter

Okay, you've developed a kick-ass headline for your website's sales letter and described in detail how your prospects will benefit from your product or service. But is it enough to keep them engaged and to complete the sale?

For some, it may be. A compelling headline or list of 'can't ignore' benefits will drive a few people to act. For others, there will still be doubt in their minds. After all, they haven't met you personally or may not have heard of you before.

Think about your own situation when trawling the net for information products. How likely are you to pay for something from a website that you are unfamiliar with, especially on your first visit. I'm sure you would agree with me that it's a lot easier to buy from a site like Amazon than it is from another unknown online book store. They're a reputable company and they've been around for a while. That's why people buy from them, because they trust them.

Another good example is food. When I first tried eating sushi it didn't really take with my taste buds. In hindsight, the rice was too sweet! The only reason why I tried it again was because some of my friends raved about this one particular restaurant. If it weren't for them, I'd be eating overdone salmon steaks instead!

The point is my friends removed the doubt in my mind that I had about sushi. They essentially added the extra push that I needed to take the plunge into the world of raw fish. That's exactly what you need to do with your online sales letter.

The key to removing any doubt and building trust is to get previous customers to endorse your offerings. They provide real life examples of how your information can help people. Personal or corporate endorsements represent proof that what you have to offer is worth paying for. It's a great way to remove sales barriers.

Enter the testimonial.

You must secure testimonials for your information product or service. Simply ask some of your previous customers for their feedback. If you have just completed your first ever product and don't have any customers, email some of the top guys in your field and ask them to give you one.

Here's the catch. You'll have to give your product away (for free) to solicit testimonials from existing players in your niche. Sound crazy - not at all. You may have to hand out a few copies pro-bono, that's okay. Don't stress about the few dollars worth of lost sales. Your testimonials will enable your site to make up for that and more.

Besides, why would a competitor give you a testimonial if your product might take sales away from their business? You may get this question from them, which is why you need to give them a carrot. And by carrot, tell them that you'll promote their website by including their website's URL in their testimonial. It's all about give and take, establishing mutually beneficial relationships.

It's important to present testimonials for maximum effect. You want them to be believable. Stuff like, 'Your product was great' or 'Your service is really helped me with my gingivitis' won't fly. Your readers must be able to relate to them. Here are four best practice pointers when presenting your testimonials:

1. They should be detailed. The more specific they are the better. Ask your customers what challenges they faced and how they benefited from your product or service. What results did they achieve after implementing your information? Facts and numbers will make your testimonials stand out even more.

2. You must include the source of your testimonial. For example, 'Your product was great' Joe Blog, doesn't come across as genuine. Here's what you need to do: Include the person's full name and additional information such as city, company name, URL of his or her website and job title. If the person is willing to give you a photo to go along with their testimonial, even better.

3. Think about presenting your testimonials in different ways. You could use text, which is the most commonly used format or you could capture an audio or video testimonial. Is there a best format to use? I don't know. You'll have to test which one works best for your niche.

4. Once you've collected all your testimonials, you can add them at various points throughout your sales letter. Alternatively, you can group them under one section. There's no need to include 500 testimonials if you managed to collect that many. Include as many as you feel is necessary to make a good impact. At least 15 to 20 good ones I'd say.

A great testimonial will go along way to remove doubt and make people believe that you are the real thing. That's not to say that your sales copy will guarantee you sales. It will improve your chances of grabbing more sales.

About The Author:

Roberto Lanzillotti would like to invite you to join our WayToWealth community. Visit to download your free ebook, '6 Golden Rules of Building Wealth' and to learn more about income generating business systems.

(C) Copyright - Roberto Lanzillotti. All Rights Reserved.

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How to Make Money on the Internet Today

How To Make Money On The Internet Today

There are plenty of articles on "how to make money on the internet." Unfortunately 90% of them are selling questionable information enabling them to make money online while it ends up costing you money.

Please, whatever you do, don't waste your money buying other people's information on how to make money online when you can find it for free on sites like this one.

There is a basic strategy for people and businesses to make money on the Internet. That money-making formula is:

P + P + T = $

The money equation simply states sales equals the sum of the product, promotion and traffic. It doesn't matter what form of business you are involved in. This strategy holds true whether you're an affiliate marketer or online retailer. In fact, anyone who wants to make money on the internet consistently must adhere to this equation.

Product is the most important of the three variables

The number one mistake Internet Marketing affiliates make is failing to choose a quality product. Take a good look at the product or service you are selling. Is it something you as a consumer would be interested in buying? If you can write down three reasons why you want to purchase the product you may have a winner.

If you're an affiliate marketer take a good look at the conversion rates. The conversion rate is the number of sales divided by the number of visits. If may have what you think is a quality product but if it isn't converting well you will be wasting time and money.

Promoting is the second and most understated variable

For example, blogging a a great promotional tool used to make money on the internet. Many bloggers publish articles daily to spread the word about their products and services.

Pre-selling is also an important part of promoting. The art of pre-selling to targeted markets cannot be overlooked. It is what sets apart the super affiliates from the every day internet marketing professionals. Successful super affiliates already have a built-in targeted audience in which they pre-sell their product.

Traffic is the third variable and the one most internet marketing affiliates complain about

Obviously, it's going to be difficult to make money online without traffic. This is why it's so important to build your own email list. Online marketers have known for years the money is in the list!

Many people involved in Internet Marketing fail because they don't take the time to enroll subscribers. Creating trust and credibility goes a long way to making a sale online. Before you can start making sales consistently it's imperative to build relationships with your customers.

Your own email list will be the highest quality targeted audience online you can get period. Don't be fooled into thinking SEO (search engine optimization) traffic is high-quality traffic. In fact, many affiliate marketers have found out the hard way when Google applied the Panda updates to its search engine algorithms. If you have an online business that solely relies on SEO you are only one algorithm-change away from disaster.

For more information including tips and resources on Internet Marketing and making money online visit Affiliate Buys.

To sum it up sales is the key to being successful and making money on the Internet. Building trust and creating customer relationships is your passport to sales.

Paul McParland is a successful Internet Marketer and cutting edge Webmaster that keeps up with the latest affiliate products, news and information. Visit to learn more about internet marketing.

View the original article here

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Earn Money Online by Selling Wholesale Gifts

Ever since the internet came into being, it has opened up plenty of money-making opportunities. People have been trying to grab up every opportunity to jump on to a method to earn money online. They are fed up of trying to earn money through mundane day jobs. First of all, day jobs aren't as exciting as having your own business. There is very less control over the kind of work you want to do and the amount of money you make every month through a job. Job appraisals don't usually give you the salary hikes you want. Job timings can also be a big turn-off. People want to have work timings with which they are comfortable. Jobs don't usually provide flexible work timings. Also, the concept of working for five days and being free for 2 days is not great.

Earning money through a business is a better alternative than a 9-to-5 job. With a business, you have better control on the kind of work you do, work timings, money you earn etc. But, setting up a physical business involves lots of start-up costs. Maintaining a physical business can get stressful if you do not know what you are doing. You may end up losing money. You need to choose a business model that you can scale up easily. However, scaling is very difficult with a physical business.

Setting up an online business is much better than setting up a physical business. The start-up costs are very less compared to a physical business. As a matter of fact, you can earn money online without even investing any money. You can also scale things online easily. Maintenance costs are also quite low.

People normally think that they need to have websites in order to earn money online. E-commerce sites like eBay allow you to earn money online even without a website. There are many sites similar to eBay which allow you to set-up shops, but eBay seems to be the best and the most popular among them. You can buy wholesale gifts from a wholesale vendor and sell them on eBay for retail prices.

However, when you sell products on eBay, you still end up relinquishing control over your business. It may be alright if you don't have any money to invest. But, if you have money, setting up your own websites is the best way to go. There are plenty of vendors offering wholesale gifts for great prices. You can set up a unique site featuring the wholesale gifts that you have bought from a vendor.

You may not get any sales immediately. But, there is a lot of demand for gifts and if you follow good online marketing strategies, you can definitely earn money online by selling gifts.

If you are confused about where to purchase wholesale gifts so that you can set up online shops featuring those gifts, then you may want to check out the following link -

View the original article here

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Making Cash Online From The Privacy of Your Own Home

A lot of people ask me this question: Is it possible to make money online from home?

My answer is yes!

I'll explain some ways you can start earning extra income from home here shortly.

First you need to understand that you will have to work for anything you want an earning income from home is no different. You will also have to spend time learning as much as you can before you just jump online and start trying to earn cash. Many people waste lots of time and money before they can see any real results but I'm going to cut your learning curve short so you wont be one of the thousands who waste time and money. The strategies I am going to reveal, are tested and proven strategies, so be prepared to take down some notes as I further explain. There are three ways to earn cash I'd like to share with you.

The first thing I want to discuss with you is Affiliate Marketing. This is when you refer a customer to someone else's product or service an in return you get commission. There are merchants who are willing to pay you commission for referring customers to them. For all the newbies out there that want to make some cash I strongly suggest ClickBank. There are thousands of people using ClickBank everyday to gain the lifestyle most people will only dream about.

The next thing I want to discuss is Freelancing. You can start making money in a reasonable amount of time just by offering your services. Whether you are good at it or not, there are companies that are always looking for help. You just have to convince them that you are the right one for the job. Traditionally, freelance websites focus on web design, graphic design, computer programming, etc. However, more and more jobs that demand other skills are listed every day.

The last thing I want to discuss is Buying and Parking Domains. Basically, you buy a domain name that still receives traffic and point that domain to a "Domain Parking Company." Their webpage will feature advertisement so that every time someone clicks on them you receive revenue. The Domain Parking Company will receive part of the revenue as well. All you need to do is learn how to choose the right domain names and optimize parked web pages. This is another great way proven to make money online.

For more information click the link below:

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Friday, November 9, 2012

What to Do to Avoid Email Spam

Spam is probably the most annoying thing the internet has to offer. It's vile, it invades your private email, and it always has malicious intent.

If you're already overrun by it, do it like in war: drop everything and start running. Because it's a battle you're going to lose. Find a good email provider and make yourself a new account. Import all your old contacts from the enemy territory. Watch out so you don't import a spammer too. If there's a contact you're not sure you know, then you're not going to miss it.

Now you're all set with a new email, clean and crisp. Here's two guidelines that will keep this one clear:

1. Do not make accounts on all websites you see. Some sell their database to spammers, some get hacked and get their databases sold to spammers. And you start over again. Do not provide your email address to any website that asks for it. If it won't grant you access otherwise, leave it.

2. Use your old over-spammed account if you really need to create accounts on dubious websites. That way, even if spam will ensue, it will happen over the already infested one.

Now not all websites are bent on spamming you. Some 'notification' emails have an unsubscribe option somewhere at the end of the message and you can unsubscribe successfully from their emailing list. Some will respect your decision. Some won't.

And not all websites are spam-based. But not all owners of websites afford top protection for their databases. If the website is not revenue-oriented, that means the owner pays for it by himself and one can't expect that to mean enormous sums. Hence, they are an easy target for database collectors. They get it, download the info and get out. Most of the time you don't even know there was a break-in. So don't necessarily blame the websites. Some can't help it.

NEVER answer to a spam mail. Even if you let them know you're wasting your time. The moment you reply to one you will be literally flooded.

Don't waste a lot of money on anti-spam software. The smarter the software, the smarter the scammer. Most get bypassed and they need constant update. Plus, it's my personal opinion that the geniuses behind the software are the geniuses behind spam. If there's no spam there's no need for software, right? What do you think?

Oana is an active user of - a business network for people looking to connect with great products & services and discover the best products and services. Users can connect with friends and meet people with similar interests and share photos, updates, reviews and more. Oana regularly writes articles on topics such as beauty and health, food and travel, photography, she likes to give tips on different things that interested her. Come join us for FREE.

This article can only be reproduced in its entirety when the link to is live at all times.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

What Are Product Upload Services?

If you are busy running your business and you don't get time to sit at the computer all day monitoring every change in your online marketplace account, then you can avail product upload services. It helps you to Shape your business more efficiently with the help of experienced and skilled staffs.

Outsourcing your product data entry task to market place management services is reasonable, confirms quality and correct and confidential services. Outsourcing services helps to handle small as well as large product data entry task, which very hard to manage.

It helps to make to your business successful, it is important to update your store regularly, with latest products. However, for the business owners, it is very hard for him to focus on product uploading as it requires time and care of the Store. This is why product uploading and management services come handy for the online businesses that use market place.

For an online retailer, it is important to understand that if your items are listed on larger shopping portals, you can get benefit from a large mass of Internet sales which will boost your business. Amazon and ebay has millions of customers and once your products get uploaded on Amazon and eBay, you get a remarkable chance to increase sales successfully. There are thousands of retailers trying to sell their products on this portal; and hence getting your products noticed by your target customers on Amazon is quite challenging.

There are hundreds of shopping customers already visiting Amazon,eBay and other commercial websites, the aim of any online retailer is to efficiently distribute their products across these multiple online channels. Marketplace management services are designed to drive consumers to your products and convert those consumers into customers for your business. They can help you achieve quality publicity as an online retailer by using highly refined integration techniques. Now let's understand two major market place Amazon and eBay.

Amazon data entry services are very important for any company or business that wants to sell its products online. It is because Internet has developed and changed the way people do their shopping. Nowadays, many people are reading product information from their home. This has made online marketing very easy and important. Still, for any company to succeed in online marketing it need to have quality. Amazon marketplace management service helps online retailers launch and manage their products on Amazon in the best way to help them gain an impressive online presence. Here you can upload your product information, image, price etc.

eBay data entry services are as same as Amazon; it's for business that wants to sell its products online. This is because Internet has developed and change the way people do their shopping. These services can help you with one of the most time-consuming yet most essential eBay listing services. It includes both online as well as offline eBay product entry on eBay store to manage your small and large eBay items. And you can also do the eBay product data entry from your paper catalogues, PDF catalogues, supplier's or manufacturer's web addresses.

Get in touch with Data Entry India to get effective product upload services, we can help you to gain a remarkable online presence, listing and managing your products on all prominent marketplaces like amazon data entry services & eBay data entry services of your choice.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Online Reputation Repair, Should You Be Worried About What The Web Says About You?

How awful do you feel when you stumble upon something off-putting about yourself on the Internet? But instead of just sitting around, feeling ashamed about it, we should really do something that improves our reputation. It is not just about fading away the negative publicity, but putting out the impressive things about you, too. Let's see how to go about online reputation repair.

Two types of entities may have online reputation that is easily damaged, either by own actions or by others' actions: organizational bodies, or people. Organizational bodies may have to look out for their presence to make sure their brand images are not tarnished. Individuals, however, need to take care of their online reputation so that when applying for jobs, etc, people don't come across something negative about them and thus form a negative impression. The permanent nature of the internet and the fact that once something is out there, it is out there forever; makes this an even more difficult job.

Some simple measures are there which can help you manage your online reputation repair. A major one is, of course, monitoring the web regularly. If you see some problem you should try to repair it immediately. If you put the embarrassing content out there, by mistake, then you should immediately take it down. If it was by someone else's mistake, whom you know well, then ask them to take the content down.

However, if the content cannot be taken down, then look into doing a personal SEO. There is nothing better than driving down the bad content lower and lower in the rankings. But of course, before all this, you should create your own content of a positive image. Constructing a strong social media and online presence ensures that people will see the results you want them to see at the top.

Individuals should keep in mind that nothing online has an absolute sense of privacy. Any online content - a comment on a blog, an email or a tweet - has a total possibility of being made public. They would do well and be wary of strangers and not let them into their circle of trust. Recruiters, today, like to check online presence of their prospective employees before hiring them. So, people have more responsibility of keeping their online reputation in top shape.

However, if all else fails, one can always seek professional help. There are many reputation management companies and internet offense attorneys who help to repair the damage to your online reputation, or indeed, make sure that it doesn't get that far. In this age of technology, it might be difficult, but not impossible, to carry out online reputation repair.

Active Web Group is a full service internet marketing firm offering services such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Design, Web Content Development, Pay Per Click Advertising, Online Reputation Repair, and E-Commerce.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Kick Start Your Online Freelance Career With Some Basic Tools

Freelancing jobs are commonly found online. The jobs which are most in demand now are web design and development, graphic design, social media management and marketing, content production and marketing and project management.

Having skills and knowledge in one or more of these fields gives anyone, thinking of working as a freelancer an edge already. But having that knowledge is not enough. Every freelancer should have relevant tools readily available to him so he can start with an online job once he's given the opportunity. He should not wait to be hired for the job before getting his tools ready.

The tools a freelancer should have would depend on the kind of jobs he can do. Below are some of the basic tools which should be prepared firsthand:

Email Account. This free resource is the primary means of online communication right now. If you still haven't signed up for one then do so ASAP. Your email address will also be used for registration to other online platforms which you may need to accomplish your freelance job.

Messenger Accounts. Skype is the most popular messenger among freelancers but there are other choices such as GTalk, Hangout, Yahoo Messenger and even Facebook Chat. Messengers are essential for many employers who hire freelancers online because it's a way for employers to personally talk and see their virtual employees either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Team meetings may also be held using these messengers without the need for paying for expensive teleconferencing software. If webinars are necessary, online meeting software can also be easily found on the internet now.

Cloud Storage Service. Cloud storage is a tool which allows you to keep your files online. Google Drive, formerly Google Docs is a popular choice so is Dropbox, SugarSync and Box.Net. There are also storage platforms for specific purposes like Slideshare, Slide.Com, PhotoBucket and Flickr. It's usually free to sign up for these resources or they ask for a minimal fee for larger storage capacity. Using cloud storage services is now seen as a need when doing your job online. These are secure storage tools which can be accessed anytime and anywhere because they are available via the internet. Sharing of files and folders are also often allowed in these tools allowing you to give access to your clients to the documents or other files they need.

Office Applications. Now the tools of your choice will vary based on the jobs you will perform. If you will do secretarial, administrative, accounting or writing jobs, you should have and know how to use applications like MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Pages or Numbers. For bookkeeping and other accounting jobs, there are online tools as well like Quickbooks, Freshbooks and Wave Accounting. The best friends of graphic and web designers on the other hand are Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver and the like. Special tools are used by transcriptionists and video and audio creators and editors.

Personal Organization Tools. Your email and/or your cloud storage tool may also provide you with tools to organize your to-do lists. There are other cloud resources as well like Evernote, TeuxDeaux, Get It Done, TuDu List, Bla Bla List Stay Useful-Do, and Remember The Milk. I personally like Google Tasks because it's integrated in my email already making viewing easier.

Project Management Tools. These tools will come in handy when you have landed a project or job already. Often employers have their preferred project management tools and they will just provide access to new hires. This is a big organization tool where several employees and the employer himself can collaborate to bring their tasks together and accomplish the project goals. Basecamp, Teamwork, Flow, HiTask, and Orchestra are only some of the popular resources for project management.

Jovell Alingod is a web writer and virtual assistant who ventured into freelancing last 2010. You can check out her professional portfolio at to see more of her writing styles while her personal blog shows her motherly, sensitive, and sometimes funny side.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Choosing Designer Handbags Based on Your Personality

Women are very meticulous when it comes to their fashion especially the women of the new century. As a matter of fact, most of their concerns are focused on trends and fashion. Together with stylish clothes and accessories, designer handbags can be a great addition to your style. Whether you are going to use it for gimmicks, a simple family gathering or use it for work, it is best if you know how to choose the right one for you.

So how do you choose your handbags? Do you simply rely on pure designs or do you often choose based on functionality? Choosing bags to use are mostly based on the personality of a person. Do you prefer bags that can carry a lot of things or can you settle with a simple one will fit your style? No matter what kind of bags that you want, you need to choose based on your personality.

Casual Dresses and Handbags

As you can see, the industry is made up of different types of women and most of them are women who wear casual dresses. If you are always on a relaxed mood or more like a carefree attitude, you can always go for simple yet elegant designer handbags. You need something that can easily go with any kind of casual clothes and perfect for any simple gatherings. You can try out some messenger-type bags or the traditional over-the-shoulder bags. Always remember that you can move freely if you are only using simple bags. If you are a carefree person, these types of bags can suit you better.

Business Attires and Handbags

Office women are very strict on schedules and they often have a lot of things to do so what type of bags can suit business women?

For office women, the best suggestion is bags with more pockets. Basically, bags that are focused on functionality suits them better. Since most of the handbags online are already designed for fashion and style, you can go for old-fashioned bags. Well, though the styles are not the latest trends, they still look good especially for corporate events. By considering bags with multiple pockets, you can put everything that you need to bring if you have to go to meetings and other business events.

Stylish Clothes and HandBags

Of course, you can also find a lot of bags that are specifically made to harmonize with the best and the most stylish clothes and accessories on the market. Basically, the only known feature of these bags is that they look really good. This is where your fashion sense is tested. You will have to choose the bags that will suit your clothes. You can look for the latest designs of handbags Australia and choose depending on the outfit that you want to wear.

Always keep in mind that choosing the right bags to wear is very important especially if you are concerned about your fashion sense and style. You can consider some of the simple tips mentioned above in choosing the right bags for any kind of occasion.

There are many online stores that can offer you a designer handbag sale and at a reasonable price. Almost all online stores offer discounted prices on their products and this includes various kinds of handbags.

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Website Optimisation After a Search Engine Optimisation Project

This article explains what to do after an website optimisation has been completed. Now is the phase in the project to explore what happens next continuing along this never ending journey of website optimisation. The most important topics now to focus upon after you've completed your SEO project and engaged in communicating with your customers are:

Conversion OptimisationRevenue GenerationEngaging with Customers.


I am concerned here with Conversion Optimisation. I take a different standpoint when I look at conversion optimisation. I focus upon a holistic view of the process path. A traditional approach might be to focus on the inbound or sales funnel. While the traditional approach may centre upon analysis of the sales funnel and the leaks that exist from the moment a prospect enters the funnel and then drops out at various stages in the cycle, I focus upon four tactics when I review a conversion optimisation and these are:

Tactic 1 - Craft your marketing messages around your value proposition.Tactic 2 - Maintain cognitive momentum in every step of your sales process.Tactic 3 - Never underestimate the power of a value based headline.Tactic 4 - Use testing as a means to developing your customer profile


Craft your marketing messages around your value proposition.

The essence of marketing is the message. The essence of the message is the value proposition. And unless you're able to articulate your value proposition clearly, concisely and forcefully you're lost in the crowded market place. The goal of a message on a website or in an email is to get a click to a sign-up form, to the buying process or to a newsletter and in so doing you need to stress value in the click.

How do you craft a forceful value proposition?

Scientifically, a value proposition can be expressed in a formula that simply says the net force of a value proposition is the perceived gross force of the perceived value less the gross force of the perceived cost.

pNf = pNv - pNc

It is where in the mind of the prospect his/her perception of value exceeds the perceived cost.

pNv > pNc

There are subsets of this to consider. We are dealing here with perceptions, human nature and individuals with different attitudes and values. However there are common attributions that we, as humans, share about perceptions of value. These are:


If the value is appealing and exclusive, and it has been expressed with clarity with credible language, as humans we will probably convert and buy. If you then combine these factors with an incentives and high motivational factors but lessen the anxiety and or frictional factors in the buying process then you have a winner strategy. Not easy but can be applied to your marketing message.


Maintain cognitive momentum in every step of your sales process.

Conversion optimisation must be looked at as a holistic process from the moment the prospect visit your website to the moment he leaves it after buying. The process steps may be defined as:

Clicking on a paid ad or entering the siteReading the landing page or the Home pageClicking on the buy button or call to actionCompleting the buy formProcessing the purchase procedure

Your value proposition must be re-said, re-emphasised, and repeated at every step of the process to confirm the buying decision. That is what I call emphasising the derivative level values of the central value proposition, the perceived value of the prospect, the product level proposition and the process level proposition.

In the buying process there's a series of micro Yes's that lead through the buying process to the ultimate YES of paying for the product or service or sign-up form or whatever the goal was. These series of micro Yes's occur at different levels, for example, on entering the site (central value proposition), on clinking to move forward in the site (prospect level perceptions working here), on clicking to purchase (product meets perception) and at the buy stage (process levels are easy). The value proposition must be stated at each level and this is to maintain the cognitive momentum.


Never underestimate the power of a value based headline.

There are two principles that every marketer must be aware of.
For every action you desire a prospect to make (a click or sign up) there must be an immediate promise of value that outweighs the perceived cost of that action.
Like the central value proposition, the derivative value propositions can be measured by its:
appeal (desirability),exclusivity (availability),credibility (believability) andits clarity (understand ability).

Webmaster should optimise websites for thought sequences of the visitors that manifests itself in appeal, exclusivity, creditability and clarity of the value proposition.

When crafting a headline there are two principles to remember:

All marketing messages must be centred primarily on the interests of the customer. Therefore when it comes to crafting headlines emphasise what the prospects gets rather than what he must do.The goal of an headline is similar to the opening scene of a film and that is to arrest the attention and get them into the first paragraph. There utilise a point first structure that means place the value at the front of the headline.


Use testing as a means to developing your customer profile.

The internet is the biggest laboratory there is. It has billions of users to test all plausible scenarios. However there are key principles to testing on the internet.

Key principle #1 - the goal of a test is not to get a lift but to get learning.Key principle #2 - to achieve the maximum of learning your test should be designed around two key elements;A research question (always starts with "which" - e.g. which ad gets most clicks).A theory question (what does this test tell me around the behaviour of the prospect).

To assist you to formulate a good test its helps to remember the value proposition question: If I am your ideal customer why should I buy from you and not from one of your competitors?


Employing these four tactics will assist you in reaching a greater understanding of why you're getting a series of micro Yes's along your optimisation path of greater conversions. The process begins with a value proposition that should state what you do, what the benefits are and how you do it to enhance your prospects goals.

This article is the first of three articles that focuses on website optimisation after a SEO project. The next articles are: Revenue Generation and Engaging Social Media. SEO Synovation is a web marketing agency and for more useful information on Search Engine Optimisation, Web Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Email Strategy and Web Analytics visit

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