Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Online Reputation Repair, Should You Be Worried About What The Web Says About You?

How awful do you feel when you stumble upon something off-putting about yourself on the Internet? But instead of just sitting around, feeling ashamed about it, we should really do something that improves our reputation. It is not just about fading away the negative publicity, but putting out the impressive things about you, too. Let's see how to go about online reputation repair.

Two types of entities may have online reputation that is easily damaged, either by own actions or by others' actions: organizational bodies, or people. Organizational bodies may have to look out for their presence to make sure their brand images are not tarnished. Individuals, however, need to take care of their online reputation so that when applying for jobs, etc, people don't come across something negative about them and thus form a negative impression. The permanent nature of the internet and the fact that once something is out there, it is out there forever; makes this an even more difficult job.

Some simple measures are there which can help you manage your online reputation repair. A major one is, of course, monitoring the web regularly. If you see some problem you should try to repair it immediately. If you put the embarrassing content out there, by mistake, then you should immediately take it down. If it was by someone else's mistake, whom you know well, then ask them to take the content down.

However, if the content cannot be taken down, then look into doing a personal SEO. There is nothing better than driving down the bad content lower and lower in the rankings. But of course, before all this, you should create your own content of a positive image. Constructing a strong social media and online presence ensures that people will see the results you want them to see at the top.

Individuals should keep in mind that nothing online has an absolute sense of privacy. Any online content - a comment on a blog, an email or a tweet - has a total possibility of being made public. They would do well and be wary of strangers and not let them into their circle of trust. Recruiters, today, like to check online presence of their prospective employees before hiring them. So, people have more responsibility of keeping their online reputation in top shape.

However, if all else fails, one can always seek professional help. There are many reputation management companies and internet offense attorneys who help to repair the damage to your online reputation, or indeed, make sure that it doesn't get that far. In this age of technology, it might be difficult, but not impossible, to carry out online reputation repair.

Active Web Group is a full service internet marketing firm offering services such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Design, Web Content Development, Pay Per Click Advertising, Online Reputation Repair, and E-Commerce.

View the original article here

2 nhận xét:

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Unknown said...

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