Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How to Make Money on the Internet Today

How To Make Money On The Internet Today

There are plenty of articles on "how to make money on the internet." Unfortunately 90% of them are selling questionable information enabling them to make money online while it ends up costing you money.

Please, whatever you do, don't waste your money buying other people's information on how to make money online when you can find it for free on sites like this one.

There is a basic strategy for people and businesses to make money on the Internet. That money-making formula is:

P + P + T = $

The money equation simply states sales equals the sum of the product, promotion and traffic. It doesn't matter what form of business you are involved in. This strategy holds true whether you're an affiliate marketer or online retailer. In fact, anyone who wants to make money on the internet consistently must adhere to this equation.

Product is the most important of the three variables

The number one mistake Internet Marketing affiliates make is failing to choose a quality product. Take a good look at the product or service you are selling. Is it something you as a consumer would be interested in buying? If you can write down three reasons why you want to purchase the product you may have a winner.

If you're an affiliate marketer take a good look at the conversion rates. The conversion rate is the number of sales divided by the number of visits. If may have what you think is a quality product but if it isn't converting well you will be wasting time and money.

Promoting is the second and most understated variable

For example, blogging a a great promotional tool used to make money on the internet. Many bloggers publish articles daily to spread the word about their products and services.

Pre-selling is also an important part of promoting. The art of pre-selling to targeted markets cannot be overlooked. It is what sets apart the super affiliates from the every day internet marketing professionals. Successful super affiliates already have a built-in targeted audience in which they pre-sell their product.

Traffic is the third variable and the one most internet marketing affiliates complain about

Obviously, it's going to be difficult to make money online without traffic. This is why it's so important to build your own email list. Online marketers have known for years the money is in the list!

Many people involved in Internet Marketing fail because they don't take the time to enroll subscribers. Creating trust and credibility goes a long way to making a sale online. Before you can start making sales consistently it's imperative to build relationships with your customers.

Your own email list will be the highest quality targeted audience online you can get period. Don't be fooled into thinking SEO (search engine optimization) traffic is high-quality traffic. In fact, many affiliate marketers have found out the hard way when Google applied the Panda updates to its search engine algorithms. If you have an online business that solely relies on SEO you are only one algorithm-change away from disaster.

For more information including tips and resources on Internet Marketing and making money online visit Affiliate Buys.

To sum it up sales is the key to being successful and making money on the Internet. Building trust and creating customer relationships is your passport to sales.

Paul McParland is a successful Internet Marketer and cutting edge Webmaster that keeps up with the latest affiliate products, news and information. Visit http://www.affiliatebuys.com/ to learn more about internet marketing.

View the original article here

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