Saturday, December 1, 2012

Essential Facts About Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the vital components of search engine optimization if you want to produce supplementary traffic for your website. It is like selling your articles to major search engines. The proper optimization of these articles will also help determine free traffic and ranking factors for the site. SEO experts say an article marketing campaign will be effective only if users actually read the post as well as make the search engines crawl and index these posts. Follow the tips given by renowned optimization specialists in marketing articles effectively.
Focus on the proper use of keywords or keyword phrases. This keyword will be utilized in your Meta description and tag; title; first paragraph of the article; and, headings. Keywords should flow naturally in the article. Do not put these in if the sentence will look awkward. Refrain from stuffing your content with keywords and follow the rules in keyword density.

Internal links are important. Search engines like Google prefer more pages linking back to your content. In short, your article should help users navigate the site and obtain useful information. However, stay away from the so-called random-linking. This is the act of linking to sites which are not in any way related to your content. This gives the impression that you might be selling links in your article.
You will have better opportunities of going into the top of results page if more people read your content in Google. Remember that this primary search engine is emerging as one of the major social networks with regards to article marketing concerns.
Search engines and web visitors appreciate images. The only difference is these search engines do not perceive pictures but the manner by which these images are optimized through the title and alt tags. There are basic formatting guidelines that you can learn easily. Actually, people fancy images or video footages with articles. Using these techniques allow you to grab the attention of more visitors to your site.
Spun or duplicate content is not acceptable to search engines. Google Panda has a way of finding out if article will be reused by simply changing the positions of paragraphs and substituting certain words with synonyms. Make it a point to use unique content at all times. Copying the articles of others is also not allowed.
Stick to your topic. This ensures the relevance of your site to the selected topic. Search engines should not get the impression that you are trying to market blog posts through your website.
A forceful call to action is something that your article should contain. It should introduce more benefits once potential readers click on the link. You have to optimize the article as soon as you are finished with writing. The next step is syndication and submission to different article directories for maximum exposure. You can look forward to generating substantial readership if you are able to comply with the guidelines in "SEO" optimization and article marketing.
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