Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Online Payment Gateway - Choosing The Best Online Payment Gateway!

There are many aspects that go into business and e commerce online and one of the most important is choosing the best online payment gateway or processor. The truth is, there are many online payment gateways out there, but some are much better than others. Some can really increase your sales while others can lose you money and lose you sales, something you definitely don't want when you're running an online business.

Today, our experts are going to give you some great tips on choosing the best online payment gateway and what to look for when choosing the online payment gateway that you want to go with!

Easily Integrated Into Your Site

One thing that you of course want to look for is an online payment gateway that is easily integrated into your site. When a payment gateway is easily integrated, it makes everything much easier. Some payment gateways take a long time to integrate, and can be complex, this is something you don't want because you don't want to waste your time trying to integrate a payment gateway that isn't easy to add on to your site.

Great Cart Options

You of course want an online gateway that offers great cart options, as this will definitely increase your sales. By having a payment gateway that offers cart options and optional promotional codes for your customers, ability to choose quantity of items and ability to save the cart and come back, you will likely get more sales and of course more revenue from your e commerce business!

Offering Extras

A gateway that offers extras can really help in the world of selling products online and e commerce. Extras such as SEO and advertising extras can help your business and your site grow faster, and having these extras can really make a huge difference when looking for the best online payment gateway out there!

No Extra Fees

You want a gateway that's not going to charge any extra fees, a gateway that's completely upfront about what it costs to use them is key, because the last thing you want to do is be paying extra fees.

Accepts Many Types Of Payments

Of course, you want a gateway that accepts many types of payments and payment options as this will likely help you to increase the volume and amount of your sales and earn you more money in the short term as well as in the long term!

Now listen carefully, if you're looking for the best online store builder in the world, visit and sign up for Big Commerce. Big Commerce offers many plans, some of which offer unlimited products, up to 100 staff logins, up to 10GB of storage, email included, a great domain name of your choice included, SEO included, an online cart included and $100 of AdWords always included.

Choosing Big Commerce is a no brainer, they offer many plans, and in my opinion it's best to go with the Gold plan because it offers the best products for your money, with the "Abandoned Cart Saver" an amazing software that contacts your customers and emails them if they have products in the cart and leave the website, to get them to buy and get you many more sales!

View the original article here

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