Friday, October 26, 2012

Do I Need SEO On My Small Business Site? We Already Hired A Web Developer

If you are the owner of a small business, you have surely come to understand that one thing you are going to need in order to achieve success is a website that can be used as a means to help your small business climb to the top. And as you put in a bit of research before getting set up with your website, one thing you are going to find is that search engine optimization is going to be a big part of appealing to search engines and climbing to the top of search engine rankings pages. At the same time, however, you may discover that you are wondering whether SEO is actually necessary if you have already hired someone to do web development for you. In fact, you might even have hired a web developer who has told you that "any good web developer" will also be doing your SEO work for you! For this reason, it will be important to take a closer look at this question.

Of course, it is very natural to assume that a web developer will be doing your SEO work as well, as there are a number of SEO aspects they can take care of themselves. Furthermore, it is natural for a web developer to claim that they double as an SEO expert, because this will enable them to either charge more money for their work or provide more perceived value for what it is they do charge!

But even though any good web development approach is going to include the basic elements of search engine optimization, you must also operate under the assumption that your competition is hiring good web developers as well. And this means that your competition will also have the basic elements of SEO on their sites - and will be at the same level as you if none of you take any additional SEO steps. Because of this, you need to figure out what you can do to go one step further than the small businesses against whom you are competing.

For one thing, you ought to aim to populate your site with good content, as this will cause readers to be more likely to return, and to share your site with others.

For another thing, you will want to make it your goal to connect with visitors. When people visit your site, they should be made to feel "at home," as this will cause them to want to keep coming back.

And finally, you will want to go beyond the "basics" of search engine optimization. And realize: this does not mean that you need to spend a bunch of extra money on an SEO expert, and it does not even mean you need to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of search engine optimization; instead, it simply means you need to hook up with a professional-grade SEO tool such as WebFire, from which you can quickly and effortlessly maximize SEO on your site - and soon, you will be passing your competition and climbing to the top of search engine rankings pages!

~Elizabeth Prewell
It's time to get more web traffic for your small business!

View the original article here

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