Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Importance of Plone Google Sitemaps to Rank in Search Results

Nowadays, for effective SEO, multiple sitemaps are used. In fact, a single XML sitemap that contains a combination of different content types is used for multiple purposes. With the demand of augmentations in technology, Google webmaster tools have invented a way for the plone websites to increase their readability and visibility over various search engines. It is Plone Google Sitemaps.

Plone basically is a content management system (CMS) which is used to build a website. With plone, even ordinary people can contribute text, images, videos, news and events etc. to the website without installing any special toolbar or software on the computer. Here, the plone Google sitemaps allows plone websites to rank better on Google search results. These sitemaps provides a list of URLs to website content and helps Google to identify site URLs and the data under each site section.

Plone Google Sitemaps allow different types of sitemaps to be enabled under one section. These sitemaps enable the search engines to identify the site URLs and index the data under each site section. This is really an important aspect from SEO point of view after all this enables the search engines to quickly and efficiently track the Plone sites URLs, thus optimizing the search by placing all the important information on a single page. With Google Plone Sitemaps, following sitemap types can be incorporated in the plone website:

1.) Content Sitemap: It is a regular list of pages of the website. By creating and submitting content sitemaps, Google simply knows about all the pages and the URLs on the Plone website, that otherwise would have not been discovered by Google's normal crawling procedure.

2.) Mobile Sitemap: it is a mobile specific sitemap that only indexes URLs serving mobile devices.

3.) News Sitemap: as the name indicates, refers to Google news only. It uses simple sitemap protocols but with additional news-specific tags that too defined by Google which brings additional Google sitemaps for news content.

These sitemaps are totally independent of each other and therefore, index their own related content. To enable these sitemaps for adding that value to the website please:

• Add any of the above stated sitemap at Google sitemap "settings" tab.

• Add these sitemaps to Google sitemaps for faster and better search results.

Today, open source products highly influence online marketing business and therefore, Plone Google sitemaps are a way to become distinct amongst million of websites uploaded daily on the web. SEO is highly affected by the search crawlers and Plone Google Sitemaps provides a direction for effective and easy crawling thus increasing the value of the website.

Author has been writing articles from past three years and is very passionate about writing on different topics. With this article she is sharing information on the significance of Plone Google Sitemaps in Search Engine Optimization.

View the original article here

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Online Payment Gateway - Choosing The Best Online Payment Gateway!

There are many aspects that go into business and e commerce online and one of the most important is choosing the best online payment gateway or processor. The truth is, there are many online payment gateways out there, but some are much better than others. Some can really increase your sales while others can lose you money and lose you sales, something you definitely don't want when you're running an online business.

Today, our experts are going to give you some great tips on choosing the best online payment gateway and what to look for when choosing the online payment gateway that you want to go with!

Easily Integrated Into Your Site

One thing that you of course want to look for is an online payment gateway that is easily integrated into your site. When a payment gateway is easily integrated, it makes everything much easier. Some payment gateways take a long time to integrate, and can be complex, this is something you don't want because you don't want to waste your time trying to integrate a payment gateway that isn't easy to add on to your site.

Great Cart Options

You of course want an online gateway that offers great cart options, as this will definitely increase your sales. By having a payment gateway that offers cart options and optional promotional codes for your customers, ability to choose quantity of items and ability to save the cart and come back, you will likely get more sales and of course more revenue from your e commerce business!

Offering Extras

A gateway that offers extras can really help in the world of selling products online and e commerce. Extras such as SEO and advertising extras can help your business and your site grow faster, and having these extras can really make a huge difference when looking for the best online payment gateway out there!

No Extra Fees

You want a gateway that's not going to charge any extra fees, a gateway that's completely upfront about what it costs to use them is key, because the last thing you want to do is be paying extra fees.

Accepts Many Types Of Payments

Of course, you want a gateway that accepts many types of payments and payment options as this will likely help you to increase the volume and amount of your sales and earn you more money in the short term as well as in the long term!

Now listen carefully, if you're looking for the best online store builder in the world, visit and sign up for Big Commerce. Big Commerce offers many plans, some of which offer unlimited products, up to 100 staff logins, up to 10GB of storage, email included, a great domain name of your choice included, SEO included, an online cart included and $100 of AdWords always included.

Choosing Big Commerce is a no brainer, they offer many plans, and in my opinion it's best to go with the Gold plan because it offers the best products for your money, with the "Abandoned Cart Saver" an amazing software that contacts your customers and emails them if they have products in the cart and leave the website, to get them to buy and get you many more sales!

View the original article here

Monday, October 29, 2012

Online Store Builder - How To Sell More Products Online

Choosing an amazing online store builder can really help you to earn a lot of profit in online business and selling items online. Choosing the right right store builder is key because the best online store builders will include many things like web development software, many available products to sell, a domain name of your choice, many staff logins as well as many bonuses, all included.

Today, our online business experts are going to go over some things to look for when choosing an online store builder!

Many Available Products

One of the things that you definitely want to look for when choosing a great online store builder is a store builder that offers many available products. By having many available products, you can really maximize your profits by selling more and having more opportunities to make money from the products that you're selling. If you only have the option to have 50 products, for example, your profit potential is definitely limited. But, if you have the option to have 100 products or unlimited products, this makes for a much larger profit potential as well as a much better experience.

Web Hosting And Domain Name Included

You definitely want an online sales builder that includes web hosting as well as the domain name of your choice. Or the ability to use a domain name that you already have a store set up with or you just already own, this is a key factor when it comes to having a very successful online store.

No Transaction Fees

Transaction fees can have a detrimental effect on any business, and having a great online store builder to work with can make sure that you have no transaction fees associated with your sales, allowing you to earn as much money as possible.

SEO, Email Accounts, Payment Gateways, Ability To Integrate Software

SEO development, email accounts, payment gateways and the ability to integrate software are all things that the best online business builders offer, and these are things that you should definitely be looking for when it comes to choosing a great online business builder. By having all of these features and options, maximizing your profit will be much easier and be much faster.

Payment gateways can also make a huge difference when it comes to earn the most possible though your online store. Features like an abandoned cart saver, which sends customers emails if they abandon their cart to get them to buy can greatly increase sales as well as overall revenue!

Great SEO features can help get your website a lot more targeted traffic and, as any webmaster knows, more targeted traffic and targeted visits equals more sales and more revenue. By having the best features, you can maximize your earnings as well as maximize your overall profit!

When looking for an amazing online store builder, there are many things to look for and many features to consider, you can really maximize your profit by choosing the best builder for your online sales!

Now listen carefully, if you're looking for the best online store builder in the world, visit and sign up for Big Commerce. Big Commerce offers many plans, some of which offer unlimited products, up to 100 staff logins, up to 10GB of storage, email included, a great domain name of your choice included, SEO included, an online cart included and $100 of adwords always included.

Choosing Big Commerce is a no brainer, they offer many plans, and in my opinion it's best to go with the Gold plan because it offers the best products for your money, with the "Abandoned Cart Saver" an amazing software that contacts your customers and emails them if they have products in the cart and leave the website, to get them to buy and get you many more sales.

For a much large business, the Platinum or Diamond plans may be the best options, get started today and you could earn more money than you ever thought possible with an amazing online store builder!

View the original article here

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why Can't I Succeed Online?

Uncovered Secrets- Why Online Millionaires Won't Let You Succeed. Ever wonder why every online business you try fails? The truth is the internet is a dog eat dog world and if you don't know what you're doing you will absolutely get nowhere. You will become confused, stressed over losing money and just straight up frustrated at the whole situation.

I have personally failed many times trying to succeed online and I never knew why until few years ago. There are thousands of products out there claiming that they will make you a millionaire by the click of a button. That is total crap and is not true. These people are legally scamming you by conning you into buying a useless product. I call these empty products because they look good on the outside but have nothing useful on the inside. They are fake people that pay designers to make a legit product then sell it online and make millions.

1. Online marketers are greedy and actually don't want to show you how to earn money from home. They will give you a free eBook and give you a few tips but will leave out all the important facts that are highly needed to earn money. By doing this they are able to sell you a product knowing you won't succeed but also knowing they will make millions.

2. The tricks they use to get people to buy their products are just wrong. They will actually give you a discount on the product until the price is right for you.. After purchasing the product you then realize you have to upgrade to get any of the good information. Once everything is settled you have just spent hundreds on a product that will not work.

3. The videos they use to sucker you in are all fake. They pay big bucks to get actors and graphic designers to produce a video and image clips that will sucker you into buying their product. The only reason they take the time and dedication to make these movies is so steal our money right out from underneath our nose.

One thing I use to do when I bought products was to make sure it was through ClickBank and had money back guarantee. Almost all the products will have some kind of guarantee because they want your business. This makes for a huge advantage for us. Simply buy the product you are interested in and go over it from top to bottom. Try it out and if you didn't learn enough to make your first sale online then simply get a refund. ClickBank is consumer friendly and will happily give you a refund every time. Don't let these legal scammers get the best of you. Take your hard earned money back if their product is not what you expected.

Now all that being said there are mentors out there that have succeeded online and are willing to help others succeed. They will still charge for their service but there will be no hidden fees and you will know there product is legit after going through it. These mentors will teach you how to make money not sell you some kind of magical button that will make you millions. Making money online does involve some effort but will pay off in the end. There is defiantly the potential to make money online but you're just going to have to take it one step at a time.

My name is Brandon and for years I got legally scammed into buying useless products that got me nowhere. In the end it all paid off because I eventually found a mentor that helped me earn money. Today I am not rich but I have quit my job and am working from home making more money than I ever had before. The mentors name is Martin Thomas. He tells you exactly what you need to do to succeed online. To find Martin Thomas visit and learn exactly what you need to know to earn money from home.

View the original article here

Friday, October 26, 2012

Do I Need SEO On My Small Business Site? We Already Hired A Web Developer

If you are the owner of a small business, you have surely come to understand that one thing you are going to need in order to achieve success is a website that can be used as a means to help your small business climb to the top. And as you put in a bit of research before getting set up with your website, one thing you are going to find is that search engine optimization is going to be a big part of appealing to search engines and climbing to the top of search engine rankings pages. At the same time, however, you may discover that you are wondering whether SEO is actually necessary if you have already hired someone to do web development for you. In fact, you might even have hired a web developer who has told you that "any good web developer" will also be doing your SEO work for you! For this reason, it will be important to take a closer look at this question.

Of course, it is very natural to assume that a web developer will be doing your SEO work as well, as there are a number of SEO aspects they can take care of themselves. Furthermore, it is natural for a web developer to claim that they double as an SEO expert, because this will enable them to either charge more money for their work or provide more perceived value for what it is they do charge!

But even though any good web development approach is going to include the basic elements of search engine optimization, you must also operate under the assumption that your competition is hiring good web developers as well. And this means that your competition will also have the basic elements of SEO on their sites - and will be at the same level as you if none of you take any additional SEO steps. Because of this, you need to figure out what you can do to go one step further than the small businesses against whom you are competing.

For one thing, you ought to aim to populate your site with good content, as this will cause readers to be more likely to return, and to share your site with others.

For another thing, you will want to make it your goal to connect with visitors. When people visit your site, they should be made to feel "at home," as this will cause them to want to keep coming back.

And finally, you will want to go beyond the "basics" of search engine optimization. And realize: this does not mean that you need to spend a bunch of extra money on an SEO expert, and it does not even mean you need to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of search engine optimization; instead, it simply means you need to hook up with a professional-grade SEO tool such as WebFire, from which you can quickly and effortlessly maximize SEO on your site - and soon, you will be passing your competition and climbing to the top of search engine rankings pages!

~Elizabeth Prewell
It's time to get more web traffic for your small business!

View the original article here

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Which Niche Should You Specialize In As A Freelancer?

Many people commonly ask, when they think of working as a virtual freelancer is, what job can they do online? Finding the answer to this question is easy by answering several questions too. It's necessary to know what one is going to specialize in before applying for jobs or offering services to make organizing and consolidating of tasks easier. Having one or two niches will also determine how long one can stay interested and driven to continue working as an online freelancer.

Here are the questions which will help guide any aspiring online freelancer for their first steps to working virtually:

1. What's your educational and work background?

Your vocational, college or university degree is the first determinant of what work you can provide to online employers. The skills you acquired and the trainings you earned while working are additional qualifications too. When looking at online job postings, sometimes it's not very easy to see if your qualifications would match that of the job description. What you need to do here is to simplify the terms which describe your degree, skills and knowledge. For example, you are a graduate of Information Technology. This means that you have basic knowledge in web development and programming. You may then apply to wed design and development job postings or software development home-based jobs. If you are a graduate of English courses or have worked as a writer for the school paper, you can apply as a writer for online content. All you need to do is change your style a little to fit what the writing job opening may be looking for.

2. What are your interests?

Knowing your interests doesn't mean that you are already skilled in that particular field. But it would give you an edge if you have the skills already for that particular interest of yours. If you see online job posts for a social media manager for example and you know that you are an internet and a social network or social media savvy, all you need to do is to find out more how to become better at using the social media platforms, especially in marketing products and services, which is most in demand now. You may then apply for the social media manager position. If hired, you get to surf the social media platforms you like and do an online job at the same time.

3. What Can You Learn By Yourself?

There are some online job descriptions which are not yet taught in school. However, gaining knowledge and skills in them is possible through online research or online courses. Examples are search engine optimization and WordPress Management. These skills can be learned using free resources in so many websites now. Sometimes, just browsing through the FAQ's of sites will give valuable knowledge on how to perform the tasks already. YouTube, Slideshare and similar sites also offer free learning resources. If you are really interested in learning a particular skill, all you need to do is invest some time in studying it. Some aspiring freelancers also invest a little bit of money to good online courses to make them more credible.

4. What are you good at?

If studying doesn't interest you, then find jobs asking for skills which you are already good at. For example, there are various companies looking for telemarketers, home-based customer service representatives and transcriptionists. If you have good telephone and English conversational skills then do apply for telephone and customer handling jobs. If you are good in teaching English, you can also be a home-based English teacher. If you are a fast typist, you should go for general transcription jobs.

5. What can you do for at least 4 hours a day?

This question is also crucial. It's important to determine what you can patiently and diligently do even for just 4 hours per day because working as a freelancer often means working from your own home office which also often means, you are all by yourself. When you are industrious, patient, driven and motivated you will move higher in your freelance career ladder faster than you can imagine.

Jovell Alingod is a web writer and virtual assistant who ventured into freelancing last 2010. You can check out her professional portfolio at to see more of her writing styles while her personal blog shows her motherly, sensitive, and sometimes funny side.

View the original article here

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nice Tips to Starting Online Business

Online business is booming across the globe! Anybody can easily set up his or her own internet business with ease. When thinking of starting online business, you don't need crack your brain about that. There are always the right steps to take. You can discover how to go about the process as you follow the tips discussed below.

• Think of an idea to trade online
To start a successful online career, you have to come up with an idea. There are hundreds of ideas you can easily trade online. You may decide to sell a product or a service. You can equally decide to trade your special talent. Whichever idea you come up with must be carefully thought out. It's important you start with an idea you can easily promote with ease.

• Get the Necessary Equipments
There are vital tools you need for your online venture. First, you need to have a nice computer. You can purchase a good laptop or desktop with good configuration. You also need a fast internet connection. There are several internet providers that can give you affordable plans. You have to go for the fastest plans if you really want to succeed in your career. You also need to have a good desk and a back chair. You can also create a cubicle in your home for the business.

• Create an online business platform
You don't start a business in isolation. You have to create an enabling platform for it. You can start by creating a simple blog or website. It's important you start with a free blog or website platform. As your business begins to grow, you can then create a professional eCommerce website. All you need is to engage a good web designer to do the job for you. In most cases, the web design process will only cost you few dollars. You also need to host the site on a reliable webhost. You'll then go ahead to register a domain name for the website. As your business continues to grow, you have to device ways of improving the visibility of your website. You have to engage reliable search engine optimization tips in order to take your business to a greater level.

• Start Small
To succeed in any online business venture, you have to start small. This is very important. You don't succeed overnight when you launch your business. Initially, it may seem you're joking. You have to keep working on daily business to establish your career. You need to be researching for better ways of enhancing your online business regularly. You can attend business seminars in order to discover ideas that can boost your business. You have to start from somewhere and then continue to build up. You're sure to succeed if you keep at it.

In all, starting online business is never a day's job. You shouldn't get discouraged at the initial stages. You have to keep improving the business on regular basis until you succeed in the process.

You can learn more about starting an online business. Just click this link

View the original article here

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lucrative Online Business Opportunities

It is possible to get rich online. A lot of people have done it. A lot of people still do. There certainly are online business opportunities that can make you rich.

But if you will make a lot of money online there are a few things you must know first.

Those who make a lot of money online think very differently from those who don't.

They don't see themselves as opportunity seekers at all.

They are not the sort of people who type "make money online" in the search engines.

These people don't seek opportunity. They create opportunity.

Now before you start thinking that this is some positive thinking "mumbo-jumbo", let me quickly explain what I mean.

The typical route that most people follow when trying to make money online is that they look for a money making opportunity and then start promoting it.

They try all sorts of methods and some times multiple opportunities in the erroneous belief that it would make them the money they crave.

Soon they discover that they are working more and more, even harder than when they had a day job and not making much money at all..

Even those who are making any money are almost working to death for it.

Putting in super human effort for peanuts.

Many of them soon become burn out cases..

The majority fail.

Up to 95%.

That is the typical route. The one that most online business opportunity seekers follow.

Now those who make a lot of money ironically work far less.


Because this group of people define what they are about before they start.

They build their businesses around their personalities.

They take the time to analyse their strengths and weaknesses and build their businesses around their strengths.

They make their businesses about who they are.

And then they focus on that exclusively, doing only the things that are necessary to achieve their goals.

For example if you take the time to look at your strengths and discover that you are good at developing software programs for marketers, would it not be far better for you if you made that your business, developing software programs for marketers instead of looking for online business opportunities? Don't you think you will be far more successful if you approached things this way?.

But that is not what most people do online. They completely ignore their strengths and instead follow guru logic that leaves them with a 95% chance of failing.

So if you are looking for an online business opportunity that can make you rich,that online business opportunity is inside of you.

It is you.

Locate it, tap into it and you will become rich beyond your wildest dreams.

That's how to get rich online.

But if you think it would take too long and you need money more quickly, and you are willing to settle for a quicker but less lucrative alternative, make sure that whatever online business opportunities you choose play to your strengths.

Don't just join any one you see.

Make sure it is the type that you are good at and find easy to do, And you will have a much easier time, and make money more smoothly.

Zuka Alexson is an Internet marketer and online business owner who runs an online business program where you are given as much hands on help as possible to help you succeed. If you are looking to start a new online business or you need help desperately, please click here. online business opportunities. More than 1000 people have already proven that it works.

View the original article here

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Complete Step by Step Strategy Guide to Make Money with Autoblog

Did you ever know autoblog ?

What is it ?

Autoblog is name for all blog which use contents from another website, rewrite and publish again with short description … All of these steps always automatic by blog platform ( wordpress or ).

What are benefits of autoblog bring to you ?

First, you can decrease your time for building your content, don’t waste much time for buying or writing unique content to publish and development your blog. Instead you handle and do it by yourself, why don’t you make it automatic, just one time setup and running it forever.

Second, all of your content will be filter and rewrite by your configuration, then you can handle it and make it unique, don’t worry much about duplicate content.

Third, you just publish short description and linked to your resource. It’s autoblog so no need to do more, just collect information and publish.

Why people like to reading autoblog ?

People like to reading autoblog when your autoblog enough information they want and also you need a good skin which make people like it. Moreover, you need to marketing your blog and make it popular on internet, building a list of subscribers for reading your news … etc !

What about revenue ?

When you talking about revenue you can earning from your autoblog, first thing you should think about is Google Adsense. Because almost people just make their autoblog for make money from it.

Why is that ? Just because they can turned their real traffic into money easy. No need to marketing for paid per sale or paid per reviews …

The success key with Google Adsense just have two thing, that are you can handle your niche and drive traffic to your website.

So easy ? What do you think about it ? Ready to make one ?

How I Built My Auto Blogs Empire

Simple! I follow a step by step guide from Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0. In case you wonder what is it? How it did the magic? I'll give you a quick review. This is what you'll get if you purchase Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0.

Getting Started

Module 1
Planning Your Strategy
Step 1: Niche Research
Step 2: Domains
Step 3: Hosting

Module 2
Auto Blog SEO Overview
Step 4: Blog Install
Step 5: Base Settings
Step 6: Base Plugins
Step 7: Themes
Step 8: Essential Pages

Module 3
Content & Monetization Overview
Step 9 : Indexing & Classification
Step 10: Tagging
Step 11: Advanced Plugins
Step 12: Advanced Monetization
Step 13: Auto Blogging Techniques

Module 4
Step 14: Beginning Backlinking
Step 15: The Backlink Blueprint
Step 16: Social Media Maximized

Quick Start Guide

Just by following the Auto Blog Blueprint, i managed to build my very own blog empire consisting of 47 blogs netting me an average of $3100 per month. In fact i just made $2984.50 last month all on autopilot. Well, $3000 might sounds little to you. But HEY! These are autoblogs, you can simply make tons of it in no time and double or even triple what i've made. I bet you can earn more, coz i'm a lazy bum. LOL!
Auto Blog Bleprint 3.0 - Why Do I Need It?

Frankly, even i already have my 47 blogs earning me $3100 per month. I will DEFINITELY go through Mike's Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0 from the very beginning till the end. Why???Because the world is changing! Say goodbye to Madona, Say Hello to Lady Gaga! Justin Timberlake... Hmm... Justin Bieber is the trend! Even Egypt is going democracy! Sorry... off topic.

The reason why is because the BIG G. Google is hunting down spam blogs or splogs. Nowadays, we can no more make autoblogs just by simply getting content from somewhere on the internet. We need to build a value added blog running on autopilot. And this my friends, is what Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0 got you cover!
What Mike Promise In Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0?

Mike is not promising miracles, he's promising well organized material and great information combined with a great group of people who use the forums to help get you on the path to running an autoblog empire. And it's NOT A MONTHLY FEE! You pay once, you get good info. That to me makes this product worth recommending. I'll give you a quick view on what Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0 is all about.

    A Complete Step by Step Strategy Guide on How to Research, Create, Build, and Profit Fast!
    Over 40 Detailed Videos that Will Walk You through the Process!
    Built for Google 2011: The Most Intense SEO Plan of Action for Blogging Ever Developed!
    How to Get Your Blogs Indexed in Minutes and Get Ranked Fast!
    Success Templates that Will Show You How I Make Over $40,000 per Month with the Same System!
    An Auto Installer Pre-Configured for Success! So Simple Beginners are Using it Right Now to Profit!

What You Get If You Sign Up Now?

Mike's Blog Optimized Course for Free as well. Now you can Optimize Everything. SEO, Your Site, Your Content, and More! This is hands down one of the best offerings I have seen in a long time. If you don't own the Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0 yet, you should.

So what are you waiting for? Money won't come on autopilot unless you set it to be.

Click Here To Get Your Auto Blog Blueprint 3.0 And Free Blog Optimized Course Now!

How to Generate Income From Viral Marketing Campaigns

Viral Marketing is one of the best ways to sell a product or service. It is an established and proven way to generate serious sales.

Due to the way that viral marketing operates there is no need for a large list of customer names or an advertising campaign however even without such things you can still make a large impact.

But what is viral marketing. It is a method of marketing which uses pre-existing social networks to produce increases in the awareness of what is being promoted.
This can be achieved by word-of-mouth or through the enhanced network effects of the Internet.

One of the first to successfully adopt this technique was Hotmail, which promotes its service and its own advertisers' messages in every user's e-mail notes. It is a marketing strategy that supports and encourages people to pass along marketing messages voluntarily.

Or in plain English, Viral Marketing is just a way of getting a group of people to tell other people about a product to build awareness about the product or service which then generates sales

By doing so these people become your very own viral marketing team, and what is more they do it for free. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive flash games, e-books, images, or even text messages.

Through such methods an implied endorsement is established, (by sending something to someone else) and the more it's shared the more it takes on a life of its own and therefore grows.

If you are willing to spend a little time researching your market and target audience, and link these two by identifying what people want, you could then create a successful viral marketing campaign of your own.

What kind of things can go viral? Videos are currently being heavily used to promote marketing campaigns. However, if you don't have the desire to do videos, you can create successful campaigns by using e-books.

To create a successful viral marketing campaign, it's very important that you find the right mix of media, marketing and audience. There are dedicated resources available, which can help, and where you can quickly and easily promote and brand your very own cash generating campaigns.

However bear in mind that you have to ensure that your target audience is going to be interested in what you have to say i.e. there is a market in the first place, then the way you're saying it and how you're bringing it to their attention. If you get these three things right and in that order, there is a good chance that you could launch successful viral marketing campaigns.

So if making passive income in your sleep sounds appealing then discover how you can now quickly create your own branded cash producing campaigns with just a few clicks of the mouse that can spread all over the web. Click on the below link for further details you never know where it could take you.

View the original article here

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Being Smart By Picking Out Legitimate Business Online Opportunities

Whether you want more free time to spend with family or you need additional income to pay the bills, online business opportunities that are legitimate can aid you. In fact, an income generating platform that you are doing on the side may even be a ticket to financial freedom if done right. Unfortunately, the internet is saturated with opportunities that results to more failure than success - but that doesn't mean you cannot get right. The choice of getting a workable, reliable online venture becomes like looking for a needle on a haystack. You have to do a comprehensive research first, and be smart when dealing with the said opportunities.

Another challenge that faces all online business starters out there is the high competition in almost all niches. You have multi-level-marketing companies in health supplements, beauty products and what-have-you, extensively promoting all their products and claiming to yield the best results.

We aim to solve these problems above to prepare you of the challenges ahead and to make your journey to business opportunities in the Web a success.

1. Proven Success - Valuable data can be easily accessed through the Internet. Review sites can also be good venues to know if an income generating opportunity has a proven track record already. This information also shows if they are really legitimate as you can view how they started out, what are the ups and downs of the company, and how long they have been in the particular industry they belong.

2. Income Scheme - As a beginner in this type of venture, you would naturally want to learn how money can be earned and what would be the overall rewards you can get by joining. Thus, study the money making strategy of a business opportunity and see if it is realistic. Do your own computations to know how to arrive at certain commissions and how long you have to work for it. If the strategy is too good to be true, then consider that as a negative sign and move on to the next business model.

3. Prioritize Support - Even though there are trainings for starters, you have to look at their support and maintenance system. If you see that they are doing great with current members, then it is a company worth considering. Also ask direct from members who are still starting off and have a feel of how well they provide support for everybody - from the newbie up to the highest level members.

4. Saturation Point - An additional insight is to know if you still have a place in the market and if it is not yet fully saturated. It will serve as an assurance that you are still going to get many clients and turn in profit.

Do smart business and be successful!

Malvina Mancini is an Online Marketer specializing in Lead and Cash Flow Generation for other serious Online Marketers.

If you are looking for a simple, proven and predicable online income generating system, Click Here:

We have extensive training & resources especially for Internet "newbies," and we've taught people of every age and background how to bring customers to their Gateway Website and make money on the Web...

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Friday, October 19, 2012

How to Make Money Online

Wouldn't it be nice to earn some extra cash online? Believe it or not it is possible to get an extra income in your own home at your own pace and time. The internet is a vast market of money making schemes, it is up to you how you will take advantage of that. Some work online after their day jobs and some really do work full-time and home based. Let us focus on some ways on how to make money online.

Start a Blog

If you have a niche for writing and you want to talk about different topics or just a personal story, you can definitely earn from a blog. Blogging is one of the most famous route on how to make money online. Starting a blog is simple and easy, there are a lot of tips online that can teach you on how to start a blog. Understand that blogging is not just a simple online journal; people can earn heaps of cash by just running a blog. If your blog has a lot of traffic and you have a wide range of readers, your blog can earn through advertising.

Earning from advertising through your blog can go through different ways. You can either have direct contact with a client, who may want to advertise directly through your blog, or you can join third-party advertising sites that will provide you with ads and you can earn through the traffic.


For those who don't like to talk about stuff or run a blog, you may still earn through data entry jobs online. Data entry is an easy thing you can do on your spare time; you simply transcribe a certain file to another like a word document to a PDF file. You can find different employers on websites that post online jobs you can try. Just be wary though of scammers, because there a lot of people who also take advantage online job seekers.

Can do some Graphic Design?

So not into writing or transcribing but love to do some designs? There are numerous clients online that are looking for graphic designers. You do not have be a university degree holder for this job as long as you have the skill- then you can earn big bucks.

These types of jobs are often times project based depending on the needs of your client. This set-up is often ideal for freelancing artists who love to work on different kinds of projects. So if you're worried about how to make money online, make use of that artistic side and unleash your imagination.

Got a camera? Sell Photos

Yes, you can actually sell photographs online on sites like IStockPhoto or PhotoExpert just to name a few. Businesses who want to do some marketing and create ads often buy images to use for collaterals, through this they are not liable to be sued by just taking and using any photo as material. Take photos of anything, just be creative and take snapshots of great sights and you may never know, your image can be used on one of the biggest advertising campaign.

These are only some of the answers on how to make money online, there are many jobs you can find as long as you know where to look. There are websites that connect clients looking for online freelancers to do just about any job from writing, encoding, editing and everything else you can possibly do. Just create an online portfolio and a polish a good resume so clients can easily hire you for a job.

Shantelle Golding is an Expert Internet Network Marketer."Learn How To Make $1,000 a day whilst Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"==>

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

5 Steps to Ensure a 4th Quarter Comeback in Your Business

So, it's the first week in October and you are growing nervous about whether you will hit your year-end goals. With just under 90 days to go, there is still time to finish 2012 strong, but it's going to take courage, focus and a commitment to do whatever it takes to achieve as many of your goals as possible while establishing which goals you will focus on in the first quarter of the new year.

We've all watched our favorite sports teams who were losing the entire game but during the last quarter, they turned it around. Below you will find my personal recommendation of the steps you should take to make a strong comeback for 2012.

Adjust your mindset. In order to move forward, you're going to have to stop looking back. So what hasn't been completed is the past and there is no future in it. Let it go and decide instead to use your energy focused on what you can still control to influence your goals moving forward. I have always supported a belief that 95% of your success is based on your mindset and only 5% is skill and action. So get your mind right, there is work to do!
Review your 2012 goals. Which can you check off as completed? Which, in your best estimation, are going to take more than 90 days to complete? For those, if you still feel that the goal is important, move it to a 2013 initiative. But before you do, determine why you didn't get to it this year. Is it because you lack the expertise? If so, should you look to engage an expert to help you with that initiative? It's hard to know where you are going if you don't take a look at the plan you set at the beginning of the year.
Determine which you can still achieve. To do this, determine which will take the least amount of time and income to complete? Which have the quickest path to the ultimate result you are looking for with the initiative (i.e. if your goal is income based, which remaining strategies will bring in money the fastest with the least amount of active effort?)
Look for the money on the table and low hanging fruit. There is always money on the table that you can pick up with little effort if you apply yourself. Likewise, you have low hanging fruit (those people who have said they want to hire you that you've yet to follow up with) that if the time is right will buy your products and services. At this stage, you must set aside some time to determine both and then make the phone calls (yes, phone calls) to talk with the people to see if now is the time to hire you. The great thing about this time of year is that everyone who has had a problem all year are more likely to invest in solving the problem now that they are approaching a new year where they will enter with the same problem. No one likes to bring old baggage into a new year.
Create a 90 day action plan. To maximize your remaining time, how should you spend the next 88 days? What should you do first, second and third? What will yield you the biggest ROI? Start by visualizing your end result and then I recommend "backing" in to it so that when you are done, you have achieved the goal. Ask yourself, "If I want to end at X, what do I need to do first so I position myself to end at X?" Keep asking that question for each subsequent step. Write your responses down (you just created your strategic plan.)

If you focus on these five steps, you will have successfully turned what appeared to be a setback into a sure-fire comeback. Here's to a strong finish in 2012!

©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD "5 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage" visit

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3 Most Popular Home Based Business Opportunities

I know a lot of people that were not contented with their full-time jobs and would still prefer to find ways of getting a part-time job nearby. Perhaps, the reason behind this is the skyrocketing cost of living. If you are one of them and still looking for additional income in spite of your job, allow me to share with you some home based business opportunities I know and the good thing about it is you can start doing them anytime.

Fitness program

If you are a health expert and would like to share your little knowledge about proper exercise regimen then you can start doing a home based business. You can do this by creating a website dedicated to your expertise. You can call it proper exercise / training business but make sure you are qualified to be called an expert when it comes to this field. Furthermore, you also need to have the necessary equipment to start the business. Afterwards, train potential people to support your business and make a short video clip of your daily trainings and post it to your website. You can sell the video clip online or to any local fitness channel near you and start generating income from it.


I know a lot of people who earn a living out of freelance writing and believe me, they have earned a decent living just by writing different content articles, short stories, thesis, eBook writing, doing research papers, and even technical specification documents for various clients around the world. If you have the skills of a good writer and you want to try something new then freelance writing is for you. All you need to do is to create a personal website and build a credible portfolio so that potential online partners will notice you right away.

Virtual Assistant

Don't be disappointed whenever you have the passion to become an entrepreneur but don't have the time to do so because you need to take care of your children. You can still become one by becoming a virtual assistant. This home based business is very popular amongst mother since they can still be with their children while earning by doing the job online for a few hours a day.

Having a home based business can definitely provide you a good living but make sure you do something that you are passionate about, so you can keep your eagerness when selling your products and services.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

The Siginificance of Online PR in Today's World

Over the past five years, PR has changed - and radically. No longer is the discipline just a matter of calling your favourite editors and placing stories strategically for your clients (although we still do that) or writing the world's pithiest press release (we still do that too), content-rich copy is increasingly valuable.

PR today - while still harnessing media connections and calling on creative writing skills - is about understanding how, when and where your client's demographic is sourcing its communications, and chances are, a good part of it is happening online. Making the most of digital space to share, and indeed create your news, breathes life into your brand and can leverage phenomenal PR opportunities like never before. The Ford Fiesta Movement campaign provides a perfect case in point.

Ford was keen to call attention to its small car market with its new offering in the States, the Fiesta. Rather than relying solely on traditional ad campaigns. Ford looked at social media to create an undercurrent. Instead of appealing to the classic early adopters (the people who act as influencers for the rest of us), they set their sights on a very specific group of people - consumers they knew would be passionate about the product.

To charge the campaign with 'glamour, excitement and oddity,' Ford sought out and gave (for six months) a Fiesta to 100 twenty-something YouTubers, who were asked to craft a true narrative video by highlighting everyday situations. These 'brand ambassadors used their new cars to deliver Meals on Wheels, take treats to the National Guard, wrestle alligators, elope, and generally live their interesting lives - all the while posting on social media sites, such as YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter.

The campaign was a huge success, with Fiesta receiving 6.5 million YouTube views and 50,000 requests for information about the car - virtually none from people who already had a Ford in the driveway. Most importantly, Ford sold 10,000 units in the first six days of sales, all for a fraction of what it would have cost to run a national TV campaign. Concluded Jim Farley Jr, Ford VP of Global Marketing: "I want customers to tell our story. That's what digital has shown us - how to earn cred among consumers."

Welcome to the modern face of PR - spreading your message as far and as wide as you can, while still influencing your core demographic with a 'call to action' or a changed perception about your client. Without doubt, modern PR tactics still insist that you have a deep understanding of the media, strong writing talent, excellent communication skills, the ability to think critically and a strategic allegiance to a brand's marketing goals and objectives.

But today's PR professionals also need to harness the social digital arena with the ability, flexibility and agility to broaden the scope of influence and increase sales for its clients.

This should not only include the most popular social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogging, but also the emerging channels, such as Pinterest, Flickr, Google+ and whatever else comes along. So whether recommending and managing one social media platform or seven, it needs to be done with purpose, strategically aligning with the brand and its business plans and goals.

In short, it's not just setting up a Facebook page for a client just to say they have one, but determining where the brand's audiences hang out; tone of voice, which kind of content will engage them in conversation, how to use and integrate the channels, how to manage the activities and who is empowered to make decisions. And while measure of success means numbers of followers, shares and video views, this is not enough. Metrics should include awareness, click-through rates, sentiment, calls to action, enquiries, comments and resultant bookings and sales.

Whether it is traditional PR or using social media channels, PR today still embodies that core PR professional personality when representing our brands: an insatiable curiosity, resilience to rejection (It happens when trying to please all of the people all of the time), engagement, tact, creativity, strategic thinking and sheer doggedness. All wrapped up in the power of PR!

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Engaging the Heart and Mind - The Art of Selling Your Story

Everyone has a story. Since the dawn of man, storytelling has become an art that evokes emotions and compels action and empathy from the direction of the artist. In many ways, the medium is the message and the true art is opening the hearts and minds of the listeners and turning them on to engagement. Once in "story mode," people tend to let their guard down and begin to shape opinions and beliefs around the information they are given. And timing is everything- The window of opportunity to engage story mode can be as small as a tweet or as long as a meeting. After all, there can never be a connection without that initial acceptance of possibility and desire to continue down the path.

Pardon the nerdy references, but what is it that makes people connect with the hero's journey and characters such as Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins? Is it the rise of an unsung hero? Or Is it the humility in seeing the unfortunate events in someone's life and the common thread of success in the face of adversity? And if those are true, how can you instill the motifs into your story? It's not always easy to open up and shed light on the darker side of what makes success possible, but it's what makes you human. Maybe you didn't have your family massacred by Storm Troopers, and I pray that's not the case, but you have conquered where many have failed and that enables you to tell your own hero's tale. The same goes for your business and the customers you've helped in the past.

Speaking to the customers involves both personal and business dynamics. How does your individual story construct significance in the minds of the listeners? Is it one of trials and success, or failures and defeat? When you transition to the larger picture, is your company trying to sell the most products, or trying to help the most people drive their own success? There's a subtle difference in those two ideologies and they push different agendas. The way your see the world shapes your reality, and though that notion is ripe with cliche, the view you have will dictate your future. Every moment and every connection is a chance to learn something new and share the human experience. If what you happen to be selling is of value, the desire to buy will come naturally.

Nobody likes to be sold to. As soon as you're labeled a salesperson, walls go up and people shut down. The art of selling is a dance that can't begin without the backdrop of friendship or openness. A good tactic to start the process is to shed light on yourself through small-talk in a way that's inviting your colleague to reciprocate. Through communication you can determine what drives a person, what keeps them up at night and if there's a way you can help make their life better. Starting at the human level is a much more effective, yet indirect approach to finding the information you need and communicating to a target audience. If instead you were to start by asking for a sale, a job or to become friends on the spot, chances are it would quickly go south.

There are countless examples of the failure to communicate a story. Look at any company spamming sales material onto social media channels. Where's the connection? Where's the value? Who is even talking? It's hard to make a connection to a faceless avatar, and even harder when that avatar isn't interested in talking with you. Salespeople have the added challenge of prospecting, where social media is designed to leave the door open with an inviting sign made of rich content and friendly interactions. In my mind marketing and sales are brothers in arms, and though the tactics differ, the strategies revolve around creating and delivering value in the minds of the customers. Creating value is impossible if no one is listening.

There's a hero in every good story, but the heart-felt ending has no emotional pull without the beginning. Would the Death Star blowing up from a proton torpedo evoke cheers from an audience without the preceding struggle? Absolutely not. Where you are and what you're doing has little meaning without the frame of the events that got you here. If someone is going to take the time to listen, be sure to tell them the real important parts that set up the here and now. Often people will decide to buy in before even knowing the nitty-gritty details because they feel a connection. So don't spoil that opportunity with a pre-emptive sales pitch. Instead, develop creative hooks to get the conversation started and guide the flow towards your objectives.

So what's your story?

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