Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Website Traffic Generation - 3 Things To Watch Out For

When it comes to setting up websites online, it has never been quite so easy to get lost in the shuffle. People on the Internet today are just as bad as drivers are sometimes, in that they are impatient with the process of getting traffic. When it comes to visiting a new site, the search engines make it really hard to get noticed, and you have to deal with them or else you will not get any major traffic to your website. Sure, you could pay several hundreds of dollars a month and get mediocre results on click through, or you could watch out for some special website traffic generation tricks of the trade.

The first thing to look for software that promises to deliver real visitors to your blog or website. There are a few options like this online, and they all prove to be adequate in many ways in regards to boosting the numbers. Find software that works on your operating system and utilizes only white hat and clean coding to generate the traffic. Do not fall prey to the sites that promise to deliver a lot of traffic than disappear when you really need them.

The second thing you'll need to watch out for in regards to gaining more visitors is duplicate content and spam. You'll find that there are a lot of spammers and duplicate content scrapers online. Simply search for a line you've written or a title of your post online, and you'll most likely get more than you bargained for. If you do some quick detective work and find that there are websites stealing your content or spamming the search engines with your name, make sure you contact the search engines and explain what is going on. Most often, companies can shut down websites that have copyrighted content on them. Be vigilant and watch out for the changes, they come by fast.

Another way to gain serious traffic is to make friends with other websites in your niche and have them post a link from their website to yours. Try to get a one-way link if possible and you'll soon be rated higher in search engines. This strategy takes some time, but the more backlinks you receive the higher you will be listed in any given search engine, no matter what you're trying to find.

The above website traffic generation tips are just quick things to look out for. Most often, people forget just how big the web is and how it can be complicated to go from 0 to thousands of visitors in a short span of time. By adjusting a few plans and working within the infrastructure that the search engines have been pushing, anyone can turn a hobby website or blog into a money making venture. Even in these hard times, people can make serious financial moves by sending targeted traffic to a website that has ad networks running on them. Even if you don't sell anything, you could earn a passive income on the web by simply positioning yourself to make gain higher rankings in the search world.

Are you looking for more information regarding Traffic Generation? Visit today!

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Data Entry Jobs Description: What You Need To Know!

Knowing about data entry jobs description is important if you want to start earning money from this field. Online jobs are becoming more prevalent in today's modern, computer savvy world. Not only do work-from-home moms benefit from the availability of the Internet as the new workplace, students and young professionals are becoming more and more attracted to the prospects of earning cash online.

One of the main reasons for these changes is the fact that you can always draw extra income from tasks that you never thought can become a profession; one of which is a data entry job. With seemingly simple requirements and virtually no formal credentials needed, you will definitely benefit from knowing more about data entry jobs description.

Types Of Data Entry Jobs

1. Typists

Typists are tasked to enter details into word processors. As such, a keyboard and word processing application are two of a typist's best friends. With these, you can create documents that are being used for mailing labels, reports, presentations, and other text-based tasks. As a typist, you will be responsible for making sure that documents have the right font, margin, and other formatting details as well as grammatical correctness. Therefore, having good English skills is essential to this job.

2. Data Entry Keyers

Quite similar to typists' job, as a data entry keyer you are required to enter data into computer software programs. Accuracy is priority to this job because businesses rely on the information to make important decisions everyday. Some data entry keyers are even closely supervised to ensure that accurate results are being delivered, but, for online work, double-checking your output is really important. Here, a quick eye and a certain level of meticulousness will bring you a long way.

3. Transcriptionists

As a transcriptionist, you will be required to listen to recordings that you will have to transform into written form. In fact, job descriptions for transcriptionists often include the requirement of a headset and good speakers for a flawless transcribing job. Many medical institutions like hospitals employ transcriptionists to have recordings transcribed for doctors and other health professionals.

With such an important role in technical fields, a transcriptionist needs to have great listening skills in order to make out the words being said and the conversations being exchanged in the recordings. In addition to this, it surely is to your advantage if you can type fast. 40 to 50 words per minute (wpm) are the average speed these days. However, it is submitted that as a transcriptionist having 60 wpm and above will benefit not only the accuracy of the transcription, but the speed of delivery as well.

Data entry jobs are indeed a new breed of professionals in today's modern world, but these are jobs that require the same old skills that most, if not all, professions need-a passion for assisting and a keen heart to learn. Whether you are a student or a freelancer, knowing about the latest on online data entry jobs will help you figure out your options and to choose the one that suits you.

If you are looking for a certified, legitimate, ethical and guaranteed way to earn an income working from home, using nothing but a computer or laptop, click here.

For free training, free education, and free income generating tools, visit today.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Art of Social Engineering

Social Engineering is simply getting people to give up information. It can be something as simple as smiling at someone, or creating a false event to get people to voluntarily give up whatever the perpetrator is seeking. I'll start off by talking about who uses social engineering in the technology world. The best part, or worst part of social engineering, depending on the side that you are on, is that most people think hackers are the only ones who use this technique. Sure, hackers use it, but there are people who do it for financial gain. Let's say I am approached by someone who works for a technology company seeking information on a competitors' next "big thing". I tell them that I will help them by posing as a painter and offer my services to paint the employee lounge. People are usually relaxed while on break or lunch, so I'm sure they'll talk about all kinds of things. Before I start my job, I do my homework, just so I can find something in common to talk about. As I'm painting, I begin to listen to some conversations and find out that a new project is being developed and should begin the test phase in a few weeks. I add my two cents to the conversation to find out more. At the end of the day I report to the people who hired me, give them the information they wanted, take my money, and leave. It can happen that easy. So who can become a victim of a social engineering attack? Almost anyone, especially if the person works in a position where being friendly is a requirement.

Take another example of the receptionist. Let's say a guy is trying to gain access to a companies' network and is having a hard time getting inside. He poses as a delivery person and delivers a package to the company he seeks information from. As he stands at the receptionist desk, he notices that she is having a rough day and decides to smile and tell her how pretty she looks today. Now what woman wouldn't like that? Now that he's broken the ice, he decides to start asking questions about the computer she is using, such as "what operating system are you using?", or "who is your technical support guy?". The answers to those questions can help the delivery person gain access to the company network.

Another common form of social engineering is shoulder surfing. Shoulder surfing is when someone walks past a computer and glances at the screen to see what is on it. It's a common way to obtain passwords, PIN's, and other information. This form of social engineering is very effective in crowded places, mainly because nobody is paying attention to what you are doing. Watching someone dial a phone number at a public phone, punch a keypad for a rented locker in an airport, or any other activity done in public are all possibilities of obtaining information. Even looking at license plate numbers can be considered social engineering. I'm not saying you need to be paranoid and always looking over your shoulder. I'm simply saying that the opportunity for someone to get information from you is always there.

Most social engineers are pretty slick with their charms and language. If they have good looks, they will use that too. If they feel that a person may be willing to give up some information, they will continue with the conversation. If not, they will end it quickly and try another day.

A list of some common ways social engineering is used is below. It is not a complete list of course, just some common ways.

TelephonePhishing ScamsTail GatingSocial Networking SitesRoleplayShoulder Surfing

The rule of thumb is pretty simple, but not as easy to follow. Never give out information that someone doesn't need. Why would a delivery person need to know what kind of operating system you are using? The answer is simple: they don't! When someone starts asking questions about personnel or company information, politely tell them you are not allowed to provide the information. You would not be rude by doing this. You would just be following company policy.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Essential Facts About Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the vital components of search engine optimization if you want to produce supplementary traffic for your website. It is like selling your articles to major search engines. The proper optimization of these articles will also help determine free traffic and ranking factors for the site. SEO experts say an article marketing campaign will be effective only if users actually read the post as well as make the search engines crawl and index these posts. Follow the tips given by renowned optimization specialists in marketing articles effectively.
Focus on the proper use of keywords or keyword phrases. This keyword will be utilized in your Meta description and tag; title; first paragraph of the article; and, headings. Keywords should flow naturally in the article. Do not put these in if the sentence will look awkward. Refrain from stuffing your content with keywords and follow the rules in keyword density.

Internal links are important. Search engines like Google prefer more pages linking back to your content. In short, your article should help users navigate the site and obtain useful information. However, stay away from the so-called random-linking. This is the act of linking to sites which are not in any way related to your content. This gives the impression that you might be selling links in your article.
You will have better opportunities of going into the top of results page if more people read your content in Google. Remember that this primary search engine is emerging as one of the major social networks with regards to article marketing concerns.
Search engines and web visitors appreciate images. The only difference is these search engines do not perceive pictures but the manner by which these images are optimized through the title and alt tags. There are basic formatting guidelines that you can learn easily. Actually, people fancy images or video footages with articles. Using these techniques allow you to grab the attention of more visitors to your site.
Spun or duplicate content is not acceptable to search engines. Google Panda has a way of finding out if article will be reused by simply changing the positions of paragraphs and substituting certain words with synonyms. Make it a point to use unique content at all times. Copying the articles of others is also not allowed.
Stick to your topic. This ensures the relevance of your site to the selected topic. Search engines should not get the impression that you are trying to market blog posts through your website.
A forceful call to action is something that your article should contain. It should introduce more benefits once potential readers click on the link. You have to optimize the article as soon as you are finished with writing. The next step is syndication and submission to different article directories for maximum exposure. You can look forward to generating substantial readership if you are able to comply with the guidelines in "SEO" optimization and article marketing.
If you are looking for the top SEO company in Australia, click here to find more information. Or visit their website to know more about their services.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing Tactics

I've been successfully participating in affiliate marketing for over 5 years now. The one thing that makes me so grateful is that I can create an income stream whenever I feel like it. This is the ultimate feeling. So how do you succeed with promoting affiliate products? Well, it's not that hard at all.

You see, the real secret to making money with affiliate programs is to know who your target market REALLY is. What is it that people want to learn about? How can you help them learn it? Once you know the answers to these questions, it's much easier to attract the right people to your business. You'll be able to write articles and create content that is targeted towards these people's needs.

Here's my method for successful affiliate marketing:

Create an email marketing campaign. This is where you can follow-up with your prospects. The only way to make money online is if people purchase your products. A successful transaction must take place. The fact is that most people will need to see something at least seven times before they make a decision. The decision might be to purchase your products. If not, that's alright too. The important thing to remember is that you want them to make a decision. That way you know who your customers are.

An easy way to create an email marketing campaign is to write down ten benefits of the product you are promoting. Then, write a short 250 word email for each benefit. That's it! You now have ten follow-up emails that will promote your affiliate products for you.

Start getting people to visit my lead capture page. Use article marketing, video marketing, e-zine advertising and any other form of traffic generation that works well. I don't recommend doing anything to earn credits for traffic. That stuff is just useless. Stay with the techniques that real companies use to advertise their products and services. Banner advertising is another great source of traffic.

Promote products on the back-end. Once you have lots of people going through your email follow-up series, you'll start to earn commissions on any of the products being promoted. Be sure to always look for ways to monetize your email list so that you have more money to invest back into your affiliate business.

Stick with the fundamentals. As long as you are sticking with the fundamental marketing techniques, you will succeed. It's only a matter of time.

By the way, do you want access to a complete follow-up sales funnel that generates 100's of leads to your business every day, and generates $3,480 in sales per day?

If so, I suggest that you get your FREE 7 day money making boot-camp and get the exact system I personally use to generate $15,000 and more per month online by clicking here.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 7 Keys to an Awesome Brand

Today, branding isn't optional. You are a 24/7 walking, talking billboard. Every day, in everything you do - how you interact, how you dress, what your website looks like, how you speak - you tell the world about yourself.

People are buying only one thing from you - the way the engagement (hiring you, working with you, learning from you, using your product or service, etc.) makes them FEEL. And the only way to be considered awesome is to earn a piece of valuable real estate in your potential clients' hearts and minds.

We are inundated on a daily basis with more information that our brains can possibly handle. In order to stand out and be memorable, you've got to make an emotional connection, using your passion, personality and personal story.

Here are the seven keys that will move you from just alright, to downright awesome:

CLARITY: You've got to get crystal clear about your WHO, WHAT, WHY and HOW. If you aren't clear about who you are, who is your target market, what you offer and the value you provide, how can you expect your ideal client to be clear about you, and most importantly, buy from you?

CONFIDENCE: In every moment and in every interaction you are teaching others how to treat you and how to interact with you, and whether they should view you as a leader or a follower. If you make a conscious choice to be at the top, then ultimately, that's what you're going to get. Embrace who you are, what you stand for and why you do what you do. Step into your power and clients will seek you out. Give us your Awesome.

CONVERSATION: Effective communication is not a one way street - it's a conversation, a back and forth, a natural flow. What works now is engagement, not the megaphone approach. The conversational depth of so many professionals today is one-dimensional. All they can talk about with any degree of complexity is what they do for a living. Bo-ring! Engage, ask questions, give examples, tell stories, show genuine interest and ignite a relationship.

CONTENT: One of the best ways, hands down, to position yourself as an authority is to create and repurpose great content that your target audience finds valuable. Notice that I didn't write what YOU find valuable. Remember, it's not about you. You have to create content that your potential clients actually want to consume and consider valuable. When you consistently create and distribute valuable content, you create a perception of value in the eyes of your target market.

CONNECTION: In the online marketplace, it can be easy to get trapped behind a monitor and keyboard. You have to remember that business is about people, not numbers. It's about relationships, not computers. In our rapidly evolving business environment, the entrepreneurs who are going to thrive are the ones who engage their clients and build long-term relationships. So get out there and develop your cheerleading squad, refer business to others, join a group and create joint venture partnerships.

CARE: An Awesome Brand cares about its tribe. How much are you showing you care about your clients and potential clients? Most brands have only one intention: to sell their product or service. This puts you at a HUGE advantage if you spend some time showing your community how much you care. As we all know, great customer service is rare. Simply by offering excellent service and consistently showing how much you care puts you ahead of the pack - it makes you awesome.

CONSISTENCY: Does what you say, post, tweet etc. align with your brand? Is what comes out of your mouth consistent with how you dress, how you interact with others and what's on your website? Branding should be a part of your DNA. Everything you do - every phone call, meeting, blog post, social engagement and personal interaction - is a unique representation of YOU. Awesome Brands know exactly who they are and present themselves consistently across all platforms.

The foundation of an Awesome Brand is built on these seven C's. You are unique. You do have something important to offer. And whether you help ten or ten thousand people, being an Awesome Brand allows you to MOVE people in a much more compelling way.

©2012 Liz Dennery Sanders

Liz Dennery Sanders is the CEO of Dennery Marks Inc., a nationally acclaimed brand strategy and celebrity outreach firm, and SheBrand, a company dedicated to empowering other female entrepreneurs and small business owners to build their buzz and create powerful personal brands that attract more clients. For a FREE report, "101 Ways To Build A Powerful Personal Brand and Attract More Clients" visit

View the original article here

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Legitimate Online Writing Jobs for Work at Home Dads

Online Writing Backgrounder for Dads

Online writing, or content writing, has become one of the popular work at home jobs in recent years. As the world of Internet media continues to expand and grow, online writing jobs have never been this significant, especially when search engine optimization or SEO companies make use of content writing as one of its primary tools to optimize websites in many of the top search engines in the industry.

Although freelance writing is not new, in the online community, online writing jobs have essentially provided fresh opportunities for many writers to earn extra income. And for many writing enthusiasts, online content writing has given them a way to turn their passion for writing into a profitable fulltime job. But unlike conventional work where employees rely on the employer for regular weekly or monthly paychecks, an online freelance writer has to consistently look for other online writing jobs in order to earn serious money that they could actually live on.

When it comes to online writing, the first thing you need to understand is that nothing is permanent. Not the tasks or the topics that you will be writing about, not even your employer. This is why you will have to constantly look for new projects or new job opportunities. Some people will require your services on a one time basis, while others may need you for longer periods. But one thing is for certain, don't expect company Christmas parties or regular year-end bonuses.

Now, how do you find legitimate online content writing jobs? How do you know if the job offer is legitimate? First off, you will need to present yourself as a reasonable content writing professional. You can post your resume in your social media account, job market websites, and other community sites that you are involved with. If you have a blog site, you can post your credentials or portfolio there, as well. This way, you are essentially inviting legitimate individuals and companies that need the kind of services and expertise you have to offer.

Keep in mind that online writing jobs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, literally.

There are online job offers that involve content writing for SEO purposes, article writing for online magazines, and blog writing. Furthermore, the topics and writing techniques may vary as well. Your employer may ask you to write a three hundred word article about teeth whitening products or pet grooming services. From roof shingles and bamboo flooring to the newest iPhone model, there is virtually no shortage of topics that you will be given the opportunity to write about.

As far as the benefits of online writing goes, there are practically more than a handful, depending on your skills, writing style and technique. In fact, many seasoned online writers are able to work for various companies at one time with varying topics, giving them the chance to earn more. And since research is needed when writing articles, especially with topics that are relatively new to the writer, this job also gives you the opportunity to learn new things, which in my point of view, is a huge benefit.

So no matter what background you are from, if you are a work at home dad who is comfortable and passionate about writing, the many online writing jobs available out there may just provide you with the perfect opportunity to earn a sustainable source of income. All you need is a computer, a decent Internet connection, and the zest, determination, and know-how to find a legitimate online writing job offer.

For all your online writing needs, visit us at We'll help you jumpstart your online writing career!

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